[KNJIGA][B] The evaluation game: how publication metrics shape scholarly communication

E Kulczycki - 2023 - books.google.com
Scientific research is communicated, organized, financed, governed, and evaluated through
the process of publication. The result of this process is a highly competitive academic …

[PDF][PDF] Self-regulation system of continual improvement of quality and efficiency in higher education: A case of Ukraine

O Velychko, S Khalatur, N Bondarchuk, M Bahorka - 2022 - businessperspectives.org
Nowadays, the procedures for stimulating the improvement of the quality of higher education
in Ukraine are mainly based on periodic expert evaluations. Besides, existing metrics of …

Is there a “difference-in-difference”? The impact of scientometric evaluation on the evolution of international publications in Egyptian universities and research centres

MF Ali - Scientometrics, 2024 - Springer
Adopting scientometric evaluation in the context of academic promotion has been one of the
recent reforms in Egyptian higher education geared towards boosting scientific excellence …

A cultural perspective of higher education governance reform in Poland: divergent interpretations by rectors across distinct categories of universities

D Donina, A Pokorska, D Antonowicz… - Journal of Higher …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
In 2018, a new governance law (Ustawa 2.0) modernised the institutional governance of
Polish public higher education institutions. This article investigates the governance changes …

When publication metrics become the fetish: The research evaluation systems' relationship with academic work engagement and burnout

K Kulikowski, S Przytuła, Ł Sułkowski - Research Evaluation, 2023 - academic.oup.com
In this article, we focused on the nature of the relationship between research evaluation
systems that are based on metrics and those that are based on a critical comprehensive …

[KNJIGA][B] Globalna nauka, globalni naukowcy

M Kwiek - 2022 - cpp.amu.edu.pl
Książka, którą nabyłeś, jest dziełem twórcy i wydawcy. Prosimy, abyś przestrzegał praw,
jakie im przysługują. Jej zawartość możesz udostępnić nieodpłatnie osobom bliskim lub …

Transformation of national ranking score for positioning higher education institutions in international ranking–a case on India

S Gupta, S Sushil, K Gulati - International Journal of Productivity and …, 2025 - emerald.com
Purpose The study intends to evaluate first the performance of Indian institutions ranked in
the National Institutional Ranking Framework 2019. Second, it compares the performance of …

Endogeny in measuring research excellence. In-house publishing and conflict of interests in Polish science evaluation

I Sadowski, Ł Zamęcki - Research Policy, 2025 - Elsevier
The ministerial exercise of evaluation of scientific institutions gained a pivotal role in the
Polish system of science and higher education after the 2018 reform. The evaluation …

Negatywne oddziaływanie polityki ewaluacji jednostek naukowych na jakość polskiej nauki

K Kulikowski - Studia Socjologiczne, 2024 - ceeol.com
Główne pytanie badawcze prezentowanego artykułu brzmi: czy polska polityka ewaluacji
jednostek naukowych wpływa na podnoszenie poziomu nauki w polskich instytucjach …

Scientometric indicators in research evaluation and research misconduct: analysis of the Russian university excellence initiative

A Lovakov, JA Teixeira da Silva - Scientometrics, 2025 - Springer
This study aimed to examine the impact of the Russian University Excellence Initiative
(RUEI), also known as Project 5–100, on research misconduct in Russian higher education …