Approaches to co-evolution of metamodels and models: A survey
Modeling languages, just as all software artifacts, evolve. This poses the risk that legacy
models of a company get lost, when they become incompatible with the new language …
models of a company get lost, when they become incompatible with the new language …
Automated metamodel/model co-evolution: A search-based approach
Context: Metamodels evolve over time to accommodate new features, improve existing
designs, and fix errors identified in previous releases. One of the obstacles that may limit the …
designs, and fix errors identified in previous releases. One of the obstacles that may limit the …
[HTML][HTML] Representing data visualization goals and tasks through meta-modeling to tailor information dashboards
Information dashboards are everywhere. They support knowledge discovery in a huge
variety of contexts and domains. Although powerful, these tools can be complex, not only for …
variety of contexts and domains. Although powerful, these tools can be complex, not only for …
Semi-automated metamodel/model co-evolution: a multi-level interactive approach
Metamodels evolve even more frequently than programming languages. This evolution
process may result in a large number of instance models that are no longer conforming to …
process may result in a large number of instance models that are no longer conforming to …
Integrating the designer in-the-loop for metamodel/model co-evolution via interactive computational search
Metamodels evolve even more frequently than programming languages. This evolution
process may result in a large number of instance models that are no longer conforming to …
process may result in a large number of instance models that are no longer conforming to …
Proposing a framework for impact analysis for low-code development platforms
Low-code development platforms accelerate software development by facilitating end-user
programming. Through higher-level abstractions citizen developers are enabled to develop …
programming. Through higher-level abstractions citizen developers are enabled to develop …
Co-evolution of metamodels and models through consistent change propagation
A Demuth, M Riedl-Ehrenleitner… - Journal of Systems and …, 2016 - Elsevier
In model-driven engineering (MDE), metamodels and domain-specific languages are key
artifacts as they are used to define syntax and static semantics of domain models. However …
artifacts as they are used to define syntax and static semantics of domain models. However …
Conservative QCA gate (CQCA) for designing concurrently testable molecular QCA circuits
Nanocircuits based on molecular QCA are prone to high error rates. In this paper, we
present a novel conservative logic gate termed'CQCA'(conservative QCA) to design …
present a novel conservative logic gate termed'CQCA'(conservative QCA) to design …
A modeling assistant to manage technical debt in coupled evolution
Abstract Context: Model-Driven Engineering helps formalize problem domains by using
metamodels. Modeling ecosystems consisting of purposely designed editors …
metamodels. Modeling ecosystems consisting of purposely designed editors …
A layered reference architecture for metamodels to tailor quality modeling and analysis
Nearly all facets of our everyday life strongly depend on software-intensive systems. Besides
correctness, highly relevant quality properties of these systems include performance, as …
correctness, highly relevant quality properties of these systems include performance, as …