[HTML][HTML] A systematic review of running-related musculoskeletal injuries in runners

N Kakouris, N Yener, DTP Fong - Journal of sport and health science, 2021 - Elsevier
Objective Running-related musculoskeletal injuries (RRMIs), especially stemming from
overuse, frequently occur in runners. This study aimed to systematically review the literature …

The training characteristics of world-class distance runners: an integration of scientific literature and results-proven practice

T Haugen, Ø Sandbakk, S Seiler, E Tønnessen - Sports medicine-open, 2022 - Springer
In this review we integrate the scientific literature and results-proven practice and outline a
novel framework for understanding the training and development of elite long-distance …

[HTML][HTML] Recalibrating the risk of hamstring strain injury (HSI): A 2020 systematic review and meta-analysis of risk factors for index and recurrent hamstring strain injury …

B Green, MN Bourne, N Van Dyk… - British Journal of Sports …, 2020 - bjsm.bmj.com
Objective To systematically review risk factors for hamstring strain injury (HSI). Design
Systematic review update. Data sources Database searches:(1) inception to 2011 (original) …

[HTML][HTML] Running-related biomechanical risk factors for overuse injuries in distance runners: a systematic review considering injury specificity and the potentials for …

S Willwacher, M Kurz, J Robbin, M Thelen, J Hamill… - Sports Medicine, 2022 - Springer
Background Running overuse injuries (ROIs) occur within a complex, partly injury-specific
interplay between training loads and extrinsic and intrinsic risk factors. Biomechanical risk …

[HTML][HTML] More than a metric: how training load is used in elite sport for athlete management

SW West, J Clubb, L Torres-Ronda… - … journal of sports …, 2021 - thieme-connect.com
Training load monitoring is a core aspect of modern-day sport science practice. Collecting,
cleaning, analysing, interpreting, and disseminating load data is usually undertaken with a …

Biomechanical risk factors associated with running-related injuries: a systematic review

L Ceyssens, R Vanelderen, C Barton, P Malliaras… - Sports medicine, 2019 - Springer
Background Running is a popular form of physical activity with many health benefits.
However, the incidence and prevalence of running-related injuries (RRIs) is high …

Training load and injury: causal pathways and future directions

JT Kalkhoven, ML Watsford, AJ Coutts, WB Edwards… - Sports Medicine, 2021 - Springer
Causal pathways between training loads and the mechanisms of tissue damage and athletic
injury are poorly understood. Here, the relation between specific training load measures and …

[HTML][HTML] Is this the real life, or is this just laboratory? A sco** review of IMU-based running gait analysis

LC Benson, AM Räisänen, CA Clermont, R Ferber - Sensors, 2022 - mdpi.com
Inertial measurement units (IMUs) can be used to monitor running biomechanics in real-
world settings, but IMUs are often used within a laboratory. The purpose of this sco** …

[HTML][HTML] The prevalence of lower extremity injuries in running and associated risk factors: a systematic review

J Dempster, F Dutheil, UC Ugbolue - Physical Activity and Health, 2021 - paahjournal.com
Introduction: Running is an extremely popular pastime and competitive sport. There is a
general consensus that runners present a high incidence of injury. This study aims to …

[HTML][HTML] Crossing the golden training divide: the science and practice of training world-class 800-and 1500-m runners

T Haugen, Ø Sandbakk, E Enoksen, S Seiler… - Sports Medicine, 2021 - Springer
Despite an increasing amount of research devoted to middle-distance training (herein the
800 and 1500 m events), information regarding the training methodologies of world-class …