Anonymization techniques for privacy preserving data publishing: A comprehensive survey
A Majeed, S Lee - IEEE access, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Anonymization is a practical solution for preserving user's privacy in data publishing. Data
owners such as hospitals, banks, social network (SN) service providers, and insurance …
owners such as hospitals, banks, social network (SN) service providers, and insurance …
A user identification algorithm based on user behavior analysis in social networks
K Deng, L **_Users_across_Social_Networks/links/5cd6462fa6fdccc9dd9f676e/Capturing-Deep-Dynamic-Information-for-Map**-Users-across-Social-Networks.pdf" data-clk="hl=th&sa=T&oi=gga&ct=gga&cd=6&d=5507032431313034770&ei=AtXEZ4SvIbWD6rQP05CuMA" data-clk-atid="Eh74mtHobEwJ" target="_blank">[PDF] researchgate.net
Capturing deep dynamic information for map** users across social networks
Nowadays, it is common that a netizen creates multiple accounts across social platforms.
Map** accounts across platforms could facilitate various applications in security. Existing …
Map** accounts across platforms could facilitate various applications in security. Existing …
Identifying subscribers in freemium E-commerce model based on support vector classification
Y Yu, B Wang, X Yu - Procedia computer science, 2017 - Elsevier
Advances in information technologies have brought many changes to our lives. Finding free
music through online platform rather than buying hard copies offline is one of the most …
music through online platform rather than buying hard copies offline is one of the most …
Identifying users based on time-frequency characteristics
Y Gao, W Chen, B Yang, Y Mu, J Li - Journal of Physics …, 2019 - iopscience.iop.org
With the rapid development of information technology, whether it is with regard to the
personalized recommendation of the business or network warning by the public security …
personalized recommendation of the business or network warning by the public security …
Graphs behind data: A network-based approach to model different scenarios
L Virgili - 2022 - iris.univpm.it
Nowadays, the amount and variety of scenarios that can benefit from techniques for
extracting and managing knowledge from raw data have dramatically increased. As a result …
extracting and managing knowledge from raw data have dramatically increased. As a result …