Lines in the land: a review of evidence for eastern Australia's major biogeographical barriers to closed forest taxa

LM Bryant, MN Krosch - Biological Journal of the Linnean …, 2016 -
The influence of climatic changes occurring since the late Miocene on Australia's eastern
mesic ecosystems has received significant attention over the past 20 years. In particular, the …

Hot, dry and different: Australian lizard richness is unlike that of mammals, amphibians and birds

GD Powney, R Grenyer, CDL Orme… - Global Ecology and …, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
Aims (1) To map the species richness of Australian lizards and describe patterns of range
size and species turnover that underlie them.(2) To assess the congruence in the species …

[SÁCH][B] Biogeography of Australasia: a molecular analysis

M Heads - 2013 -
Over the last decade, molecular studies carried out on the Australasian biota have revealed
a new world of organic structure that exists from submicroscopic to continental scale …

Phylogeny and historical biogeography of ancient assassin spiders (Araneae: Archaeidae) in the Australian mesic zone: evidence for Miocene speciation within …

MG Rix, MS Harvey - Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 2012 - Elsevier
The rainforests, wet sclerophyll forests and temperate heathlands of the Australian mesic
zone are home to a diverse and highly endemic biota, including numerous old endemic …

Cryptic diversity in vertebrates: molecular data double estimates of species diversity in a radiation of Australian lizards (Diplodactylus, Gekkota)

PM Oliver, M Adams, MSY Lee… - … of the Royal …, 2009 -
A major problem for biodiversity conservation and management is that a significant portion
of species diversity remains undocumented (the 'taxonomic impediment'). This problem is …

Lineage range estimation method reveals fine-scale endemism linked to Pleistocene stability in Australian rainforest herpetofauna

DF Rosauer, RA Catullo, J VanDerWal, A Moussalli… - PLoS …, 2015 -
Areas of suitable habitat for species and communities have arisen, shifted, and disappeared
with Pleistocene climate cycles, and through this shifting landscape, current biodiversity has …

Molecular evidence for ten species and Oligo-Miocene vicariance within a nominal Australian gecko species (Crenadactylus ocellatus, Diplodactylidae)

PM Oliver, M Adams, P Doughty - BMC Evolutionary Biology, 2010 - Springer
Background Molecular studies have revealed that many putative'species' are actually
complexes of multiple morphologically conservative, but genetically divergent'cryptic …

Litho-refugia: the importance of rock landscapes for the long-term persistence of Australian rainforest fauna

P Couper, C Hoskin - Australian Zoologist, 2008 -
Rainforest was formerly widespread on the Australian continent but underwent large-scale
contraction to pockets on the east coast through the Miocene and Quaternary. This …

[PDF][PDF] Two new frog species from the Litoria rubella species group from eastern Australia

JJL Rowley, MJ Mahony, HB Hines, S Myers, LC Price… - Zootaxa, 2021 -
The bleating tree frog (Litoria dentata) is one of the more prominent pelodryadid frogs of
eastern Australia by virtue of its extremely loud, piercing, male advertisement call. A member …

Systematics and evolution of the Australian knob-tail geckos (Nephrurus, Carphodactylidae, Gekkota): plesiomorphic grades and biome shifts through the Miocene

PM Oliver, AM Bauer - Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 2011 - Elsevier
Clades that predate the origin of biomes that they inhabit provide unique opportunities to
examine both when major environmental transitions occurred, and how lineages adapted to …