Machine learning-based prototy** of graphical user interfaces for mobile apps
It is common practice for developers of user-facing software to transform a mock-up of a
graphical user interface (GUI) into code. This process takes place both at an application's …
graphical user interface (GUI) into code. This process takes place both at an application's …
Automated reporting of GUI design violations for mobile apps
The inception of a mobile app often takes form of a mock-up of the Graphical User Interface
(GUI), represented as a static image delineating the proper layout and style of GUI widgets …
(GUI), represented as a static image delineating the proper layout and style of GUI widgets …
Improving random GUI testing with image-based widget detection
Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) are amongst the most common user interfaces, enabling
interactions with applications through mouse movements and key presses. Tools for …
interactions with applications through mouse movements and key presses. Tools for …
Automated accessibility testing of mobile apps
It is important to make mobile apps accessible, so as not to exclude users with common
disabilities such as blindness, low vision, or color blindness. Even when developers are …
disabilities such as blindness, low vision, or color blindness. Even when developers are …
Visual web test repair
Web tests are prone to break frequently as the application under test evolves, causing much
maintenance effort in practice. To detect the root causes of a test breakage, developers …
maintenance effort in practice. To detect the root causes of a test breakage, developers …
Maintenance of automated test suites in industry: An empirical study on Visual GUI Testing
Context: Verification and validation (V&V) activities make up 20–50% of the total
development costs of a software system in practice. Test automation is proposed to lower …
development costs of a software system in practice. Test automation is proposed to lower …
testar – scriptless testing through graphical user interface
Covering all the possible paths of the graphical user interface (GUI) with test scripts would
take too much effort and result in serious maintenance issues. We propose complementing …
take too much effort and result in serious maintenance issues. We propose complementing …
Automatic GUI testing of desktop applications: an empirical assessment of the state of the art
Testing software applications interacting with their graphical user interface, in short GUI
testing, is both important, since it can reveal subtle and annoying bugs, and expensive, due …
testing, is both important, since it can reveal subtle and annoying bugs, and expensive, due …
Testar: Tool support for test automation at the user interface level
Testing applications with a graphical user interface (GUI) is an important, though
challenging and time consuming task. The state of the art in the industry are still capture and …
challenging and time consuming task. The state of the art in the industry are still capture and …
Authscope: Towards automatic discovery of vulnerable authorizations in online services
When accessing online private resources (eg, user profiles, photos, shop** carts) from a
client (eg, a desktop web-browser or a mobile app), the service providers must implement …
client (eg, a desktop web-browser or a mobile app), the service providers must implement …