Optimal path shape of friction-based Track-Nonlinear Energy Sinks to minimize lifecycle costs of buildings subjected to ground accelerations
Abstract Track Nonlinear Energy Sinks (T-NES) are Pendulum Tuned Mass Dampers
(PTMDs) whose nonlinear restoring forces are obtained from curved path shapes. They …
(PTMDs) whose nonlinear restoring forces are obtained from curved path shapes. They …
[HTML][HTML] From inference to design: A comprehensive framework for uncertainty quantification in engineering with limited information
In this paper we present a framework for addressing a variety of engineering design
challenges with limited empirical data and partial information. This framework includes …
challenges with limited empirical data and partial information. This framework includes …
Robust design optimization of TMDs in vehicle–bridge coupled vibration problems
Abstract Optimal design of Tuned-Mass-Dampers (TMD) and Multiple-Tuned-Mass-Dampers
(MTMD) for vibration control has been a popular research theme. In most applications, one …
(MTMD) for vibration control has been a popular research theme. In most applications, one …
The latent failure probability: a conceptual basis for robust, reliability-based and risk-based design optimization
The safety of structural systems depends on social, political, financial, organizational,
behavioral, and other non-structural factors. These factors are related to use of the structure …
behavioral, and other non-structural factors. These factors are related to use of the structure …
A method for the multi-objective optimization of the operation of natural gas pipeline networks considering supply reliability and operation efficiency
Reliable gas supply for minimum risk of supply shortage and minimum power demand for
low energy cost are two fundamental objectives of natural gas pipeline networks. In this …
low energy cost are two fundamental objectives of natural gas pipeline networks. In this …
Imposition of essential boundary conditions in the material point method
There is increasing interest in the material point method (MPM) as a means of modelling
solid mechanics problems in which very large deformations occur, eg in the study of …
solid mechanics problems in which very large deformations occur, eg in the study of …
Robust multiscale design of incompressible multi-materials under loading uncertainties
Most of the multiscale topology optimization (TO) approaches, which have been proposed
for multi-material designs, are based on the assumption of deterministic loads and the …
for multi-material designs, are based on the assumption of deterministic loads and the …
Sequential approximate optimization for design under uncertainty problems utilizing Kriging metamodeling in augmented input space
This paper discusses design-under-uncertainty problems that employ a probabilistic
performance as objective function and consider its estimation through stochastic (ie, Monte …
performance as objective function and consider its estimation through stochastic (ie, Monte …
Topology optimization of continuum structures with stress constraints and uncertainties in loading
Topology optimization using stress constraints and considering uncertainties is a serious
challenge, since a reliability problem has to be solved for each stress constraint, for each …
challenge, since a reliability problem has to be solved for each stress constraint, for each …
An integrated, systematic data-driven supply-demand side management method for smart integrated energy systems
Different energy systems become highly connected to provide better flexibility. However, this
change poses new challenges for system management considering the diversity of …
change poses new challenges for system management considering the diversity of …