Towards a cloud computing selection and evaluation environment for very large business applications
S Wind, J Repschlaeger, R Zarnekow - 2012 -
Due to their maturity Cloud Computing Services can be used for creating efficient and
modern Very Large Business Applications (VLBAs). These kinds of systems address the …
modern Very Large Business Applications (VLBAs). These kinds of systems address the …
Performance Overhead of Paravirtualization on an exemplary ERP system
This paper addresses aspects of performance overhead when using paravirtualization
techniques. To quantify the overhead the paper introduces and utilizes a new testing …
techniques. To quantify the overhead the paper introduces and utilizes a new testing …
[BOK][B] Performance und Skalierung von SAP ERP Systemen in virtualisierten Umgebungen
A Bögelsack - 2012 -
Virtualisierung spielt eine immer größere Rolle beim Betrieb von SAP-ERP-Systemen.
Jedoch liegen die Einflüsse der Virtualisierung auf die Performance und Skalierung oftmals …
Jedoch liegen die Einflüsse der Virtualisierung auf die Performance und Skalierung oftmals …
Towards a classification framework for very large business applications
Classification of business application has significant effects for industry practice as well as
for applied research. A correct classification of a business application leads to a better …
for applied research. A correct classification of a business application leads to a better …
Benefits of Data Center Virtualization to Increase The Availability as A Central Quality of Service Aspect, Using The Example of Cloud Services
Like most entrepreneurs, data center operators pursue goals like profit-maximization and
improvement of the company's reputation. Part of those aims is to guarantee a given quality …
improvement of the company's reputation. Part of those aims is to guarantee a given quality …
[PDF][PDF] Performance Overhead of ERP Systems in Paravirtualized Environments.
A Bögelsack - ICEIS (4), 2009 -
Virtualization is a big trend in current IT world and is used intensively in today's computing
centres. But little is known about what happens to the performance of computer systems …
centres. But little is known about what happens to the performance of computer systems …
[PDF][PDF] Arbeitsberichte zur Wirtschaftsinformatik
VB des öffentlichen Sektors -
Der Beitrag skizziert die Entwicklung der Wirtschaftinformatik in den nächsten 50 Jahren.
Nach einem Rückblick auf die Entstehungsgeschichte der Informationstechnik, wird über …
Nach einem Rückblick auf die Entstehungsgeschichte der Informationstechnik, wird über …