Scaling the impact of sustainability initiatives: a typology of amplification processes

DPM Lam, B Martín-López, A Wiek, EM Bennett… - Urban …, 2020 - Springer
Amplifying the impact of sustainability initiatives to foster transformations in urban and rural
contexts, has received increasing attention in resilience, social innovation, and sustainability …

Stakeholder engagement in the co-production of knowledge for environmental decision-making

AK Gerlak, Z Guido, G Owen, MSR McGoffin… - World Development, 2023 - Elsevier
The production of science has generally been understood as primarily a technical endeavor,
conducted by a narrow group of knowledge “experts” who ostensibly bring legitimacy and …

Theories of power and social change. Power contestations and their implications for research on social change and innovation

F Avelino - Journal of Political Power, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
This paper proposes a meta-theoretical framework for studying power in processes of
change and innovation. Power is one of the most contested concepts in social and political …

Inner transformation to sustainability as a deep leverage point: fostering new avenues for change through dialogue and reflection

C Woiwode, N Schäpke, O Bina, S Veciana… - Sustainability …, 2021 - Springer
This article provides a rationale for inner transformation as a key and hitherto
underresearched dimension of sustainability transformations. Inner transformation relates to …

[HTML][HTML] Transformative innovation and translocal diffusion

D Loorbach, J Wittmayer, F Avelino, T Von Wirth… - … innovation and societal …, 2020 - Elsevier
This paper develops a conceptual understanding of transformative innovations as shared
activities, ideas and objects across locally rooted sustainability initiatives that explore and …

[HTML][HTML] Transformative social innovation for sustainable rural development: An analytical framework to assist community-based initiatives

K Castro-Arce, F Vanclay - Journal of Rural Studies, 2020 - Elsevier
The interactions between bottom-up initiatives and top-down structures in the
implementation of regional development policies and projects are complex in theoretical …

New directions for RIS studies and policies in the face of grand societal challenges

F Tödtling, M Trippl, V Desch - European Planning Studies, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
The regional innovation system (RIS) approach has become a widely used framework for
examining the dynamics of innovation across space and for crafting policies to promote the …

[HTML][HTML] The impact of leadership on boosting employee creativity: The role of knowledge sharing as a mediator

O Khassawneh, T Mohammad, R Ben-Abdallah - Administrative Sciences, 2022 -
In this study, we examined the role that knowledge sharing plays in mediating the
relationship between the employee trust in leadership and employee innovation in the …

[KNYGA][B] Design for sustainability: a multi-level framework from products to socio-technical systems

F Ceschin, İ Gaziulusoy - 2019 -
This book discusses the most significant ways in which design has been applied to
sustainability challenges using an evolutionary perspective. It puts forward an innovation …

Towards a theory of transformative social innovation: A relational framework and 12 propositions

B Pel, A Haxeltine, F Avelino, A Dumitru, R Kemp… - Research Policy, 2020 - Elsevier
This paper responds to the need in innovation research for conceptual clarity and solid
theory on social innovation (SI). The paper conceptualizes SI as changing social relations …