[HTML][HTML] Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in sustainable agriculture
The coevolution of mycorrhizae with plants represents a major evolutionary adaptation to the
land environment. As a bioinoculant, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) play a beneficial …
land environment. As a bioinoculant, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) play a beneficial …
Soil fungal resources in annual crop** systems and their potential for management
W Ellouze, A Esmaeili Taheri… - BioMed research …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Soil fungi are a critical component of agroecosystems and provide ecological services that
impact the production of food and bioproducts. Effective management of fungal resources is …
impact the production of food and bioproducts. Effective management of fungal resources is …
[PDF][PDF] Evaluation of nano biofertilizer efficiency on agronomic traits of spring wheat at different sowing date
M Mardalipour, H Zahedi, Y Sharghi - Biological forum, 2014 - researchgate.net
In order to investigate the effect of seed sowing date and nano biofertilizer foliar application
on some agronomic traits of spring wheat an experiment was conducted in 2010 growing …
on some agronomic traits of spring wheat an experiment was conducted in 2010 growing …
[PDF][PDF] Wheat x Azotobacter x VA Mycorrhiza interactions towards plant nutrition and growth–a review
RK Behl, S Ruppel, E Kothe… - Journal of applied botany …, 2012 - researchgate.net
Nitrogen-fixing and phosphate-mobilizing bateria, as well as mycorrhizal fungi, can
influence plant nutrition beneficially and thus be used as biofertilizers in agriculture. This …
influence plant nutrition beneficially and thus be used as biofertilizers in agriculture. This …
WUE, protein and grain yield of wheat under the interaction of biological and chemical fertilizers and different moisture regimes
The present study aimed to investigate water use efficiency (WUE), protein and grain yield of
wheat under the interaction of biological and chemical fertilizers in different moisture …
wheat under the interaction of biological and chemical fertilizers in different moisture …
[PDF][PDF] Effect of integrated application of bio-fertilizer on grain yield, yield components and associated traits of maize cultivars
H Naserirad, A Soleymanifard… - American-Eurasian journal …, 2011 - academia.edu
In order to investigate the effects of bio-fertilizer on yield and its components of maize
cultivars, an experiment was conducted as split plot in randomized complete bock design …
cultivars, an experiment was conducted as split plot in randomized complete bock design …
Harnessing wheat genotype× Azotobacter strain interactions for sustainable wheat production in semi arid tropics
RK Behl, N Narula, M Vasudeva, A SATO, T SHINANO… - Tropics, 2006 - jstage.jst.go.jp
Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is one of the most important cereal crops in the world.
Moreover, it is a staple food for nearly 35% of the world population. The expected global …
Moreover, it is a staple food for nearly 35% of the world population. The expected global …
Tripartite interactions among free‐living, N‐fixing bacteria, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, and plants: Mutualistic benefits and community response to co‐inoculation
Interactions between arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi and free‐living nitrogen fixers
(FLNF) occur in the rhizosphere where they can enhance plant nutrient acquisition, impact …
(FLNF) occur in the rhizosphere where they can enhance plant nutrient acquisition, impact …
Arbuscular Mycorrhizal (AM) Fungi as a Tool for Sustainable
A sustainable agriculture is a type of agriculture that focuses on producing long-term crops
and livestock without having any adverse effect on the environ-ment. However, agricultural …
and livestock without having any adverse effect on the environ-ment. However, agricultural …
[HTML][HTML] Efecto de la inoculación de Azotobacter chroococcum y Glomus intraradices en el crecimiento y nutrición de plántulas de papaya en fase de vivero
M Constantino, R Gómez, JD Álvarez, JM Pat… - Agronomía …, 2011 - scielo.sa.cr
En el presente estudio se evaluó la etapa y el número de aplicaciones de los biofertilizantes
(Azotobacter chroococcum y Glomus intraradices), sobre el crecimiento, biomasa y nutrición …
(Azotobacter chroococcum y Glomus intraradices), sobre el crecimiento, biomasa y nutrición …