Review of satellite interferometry for landslide detection in Italy
Landslides recurrently impact the Italian territory, producing huge economic losses and
casualties. Because of this, there is a large demand for monitoring tools to support landslide …
casualties. Because of this, there is a large demand for monitoring tools to support landslide …
From ERS 1/2 to Sentinel-1: Subsidence monitoring in Italy in the last two decades
The use of InSAR (Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar) products has greatly increased
in the last years because of the technological advances in terms of both acquisition sensors …
in the last years because of the technological advances in terms of both acquisition sensors …
Slow-moving landslide risk assessment combining Machine Learning and InSAR techniques
This paper describes a novel methodology where Machine Learning Algorithms (MLAs)
have been integrated to assess the landslide risk for slow moving mass movements …
have been integrated to assess the landslide risk for slow moving mass movements …
Satellite radar interferometry: Potential and limitations for structural assessment and monitoring
The present paper analyzes potential and limitations of multi-temporal Differential Synthetic
Aperture Radar Interferometry (DInSAR) techniques applied for the structural monitoring and …
Aperture Radar Interferometry (DInSAR) techniques applied for the structural monitoring and …
Time and path prediction of landslides using InSAR and flow model
Landslides originating from remote steep slopes render people living downhill vulnerable,
unaware of the impending danger. Identifications of slow-moving mountain slopes are …
unaware of the impending danger. Identifications of slow-moving mountain slopes are …
Long-term InSAR, borehole inclinometer, and rainfall records provide insight into the mechanism and activity patterns of an extremely slow urbanized landslide
New radar satellites provide global coverage and the possibility of long-term, regular
frequency (days-weeks) surface displacement measurements through the application of …
frequency (days-weeks) surface displacement measurements through the application of …
The application of long short-term memory (LSTM) method on displacement prediction of multifactor-induced landslides
P ** in north-western Italy
The 6-days repeatability of Sentinel-1 constellation allows building up an interferometric
stack with unprecedented velocity. Easily updatable hot-spot analyses, frequently repeated …
stack with unprecedented velocity. Easily updatable hot-spot analyses, frequently repeated …
On the joint exploitation of satellite DInSAR measurements and DBSCAN-based techniques for preliminary identification and ranking of critical constructions in a built …
The need for widespread structural safety checks represents a stimulus for the research of
advanced techniques for structural monitoring at the scale of single constructions or wide …
advanced techniques for structural monitoring at the scale of single constructions or wide …