The emergence of hydrogeophysics for improved understanding of subsurface processes over multiple scales
Geophysics provides a multidimensional suite of investigative methods that are transforming
our ability to see into the very fabric of the subsurface environment, and monitor the …
our ability to see into the very fabric of the subsurface environment, and monitor the …
An overview of the spectral induced polarization method for near‐surface applications
Over the last 15 years significant advancements in induced polarization (IP) research have
taken place, particularly with respect to spectral IP (SIP), concerning the understanding of …
taken place, particularly with respect to spectral IP (SIP), concerning the understanding of …
[كتاب][B] Resistivity and induced polarization: Theory and applications to the near-surface earth
Resistivity and induced polarization methods are used for a wide range of near-surface
applications, including hydrogeology, civil engineering and archaeology, as well as …
applications, including hydrogeology, civil engineering and archaeology, as well as …
Effective conductivity and permittivity of unsaturated porous materials in the frequency range 1 mHz–1GHz
A model combining low‐frequency complex conductivity and high‐frequency permittivity is
developed in the frequency range from 1 mHz to 1 GHz. The low‐frequency conductivity …
developed in the frequency range from 1 mHz to 1 GHz. The low‐frequency conductivity …
Some low-frequency electrical methods for subsurface characterization and monitoring in hydrogeology
Low-frequency geoelectrical methods include mainly self-potential, resistivity, and induced
polarization techniques, which have potential in many environmental and hydrogeological …
polarization techniques, which have potential in many environmental and hydrogeological …
[كتاب][B] The self-potential method: Theory and applications in environmental geosciences
The self-potential method enables non-intrusive assessment and imaging of disturbances in
electrical currents of conductive subsurface materials. It has an increasing number of …
electrical currents of conductive subsurface materials. It has an increasing number of …
Geophysical characterisation of the groundwater–surface water interface
Interactions between groundwater (GW) and surface water (SW) have important implications
for water quantity, water quality, and ecological health. The subsurface region proximal to …
for water quantity, water quality, and ecological health. The subsurface region proximal to …
On the relationship between induced polarization and surface conductivity: Implications for petrophysical interpretation of electrical measurements
Petrophysical interpretation of resistivity measurements is often hindered by the
dependence of resistivity on the interconnected pore fluids and the interconnected pore …
dependence of resistivity on the interconnected pore fluids and the interconnected pore …
Electrical conductivity, induced polarization, and permeability of the Fontainebleau sandstone
The electrical conductivity of clay-free sandstones is customarily assumed to have negligible
surface conductivity contribution. The Fontainebleau sandstone, a clean sandstone with …
surface conductivity contribution. The Fontainebleau sandstone, a clean sandstone with …
Permeability prediction based on induced polarization: Insights from measurements on sandstone and unconsolidated samples spanning a wide permeability range
We have compared various induced polarization (IP) models for permeability prediction of
the same general form that were all based on two parameters, the first being an electric …
the same general form that were all based on two parameters, the first being an electric …