Uncertainty-aware decisions in cloud computing: Foundations and future directions

HMD Kabir, A Khosravi, SK Mondal… - ACM Computing …, 2021 - dl.acm.org
The rapid growth of the cloud industry has increased challenges in the proper governance of
the cloud infrastructure. Many intelligent systems have been develo**, considering …

Cloudscale: elastic resource scaling for multi-tenant cloud systems

Z Shen, S Subbiah, X Gu, J Wilkes - … of the 2nd ACM Symposium on …, 2011 - dl.acm.org
Elastic resource scaling lets cloud systems meet application service level objectives (SLOs)
with minimum resource provisioning costs. In this paper, we present CloudScale, a system …

Press: Predictive elastic resource scaling for cloud systems

Z Gong, X Gu, J Wilkes - 2010 International Conference on …, 2010 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Cloud systems require elastic resource allocation to minimize resource provisioning costs
while meeting service level objectives (SLOs). In this paper, we present a novel PRedictive …

Introduction to cloud computing

W Voorsluys, J Broberg, R Buyya - Cloud computing: Principles …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
When plugging an electric appliance into an outlet, we care neither how electric power is
generated nor how it gets to that outlet. This is possible because electricity is virtualized; that …

{AGILE}: Elastic distributed resource scaling for {Infrastructure-as-a-Service}

H Nguyen, Z Shen, X Gu, S Subbiah… - … Conference on Autonomic …, 2013 - usenix.org
Dynamically adjusting the number of virtual machines (VMs) assigned to a cloud application
to keep up with load changes and interference from other uses typically requires detailed …

Efficient resource provisioning in compute clouds via vm multiplexing

X Meng, C Isci, J Kephart, L Zhang, E Bouillet… - Proceedings of the 7th …, 2010 - dl.acm.org
Resource provisioning in compute clouds often require an estimate of the capacity needs of
Virtual Machines (VMs). The estimated VM size is the basis for allocating resources …

Adaptive resource utilization prediction system for infrastructure as a service cloud

Q Zia Ullah, S Hassan, GM Khan - Computational intelligence …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud provides resources as a service from a pool of
compute, network, and storage resources. Cloud providers can manage their resource …

Profiling and modeling resource usage of virtualized applications

T Wood, L Cherkasova, K Ozonat, P Shenoy - ACM/IFIP/USENIX …, 2008 - Springer
Abstract Next Generation Data Centers are transforming labor-inten-sive, hard-coded
systems into shared, virtualized, automated, and fully managed adaptive infrastructures …

Minimizing data center SLA violations and power consumption via hybrid resource provisioning

A Gandhi, Y Chen, D Gmach, M Arlitt… - 2011 International …, 2011 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper presents a novel approach to correctly allocate resources in data centers, such
that SLA violations and energy consumption are minimized. Our approach first analyzes …

Long-term SLOs for reclaimed cloud computing resources

M Carvalho, W Cirne, F Brasileiro, J Wilkes - Proceedings of the ACM …, 2014 - dl.acm.org
The elasticity promised by cloud computing does not come for free. Providers need to
reserve resources to allow users to scale on demand, and cope with workload variations …