Nanoscale zerovalent iron particles for groundwater remediation: a review
Nanoscale zero-valent iron particles (nZVI) have been studied in recent years as a
promising technology for the remediation of contaminated aquifers. Specific positive features …
promising technology for the remediation of contaminated aquifers. Specific positive features …
Influence of surfactant for stabilization and pipeline transportation of iron ore water slurry: A review
Iron ore is generally transported using a traditional method that releases significant amounts
of dust into the environment. In contrast, the pipeline transportation of slurry is noticeably a …
of dust into the environment. In contrast, the pipeline transportation of slurry is noticeably a …
Modeling cross model non-Newtonian fluid flow in porous media
Fluids exhibiting non-Newtonian rheologies are used in a range of applications, including
hydraulic fracturing, enhanced oil recovery, remediation, and industrial processes. Hydraulic …
hydraulic fracturing, enhanced oil recovery, remediation, and industrial processes. Hydraulic …
Review of nanotechnology for soil and groundwater remediation: Brazilian perspectives
The soil remediation field is still in development in Brazil. Currently, it is not known how
many contaminated sites exist across the country; however, due to the country's large size …
many contaminated sites exist across the country; however, due to the country's large size …
Experimental study of DNAPL displacement by a new densified polymer solution and upscaling problems of aqueous polymer flow in porous media
The remediation of DNAPL-contaminated soil with lower-density fluids is ineffective due to
the over-riding of displacing fluid. The densification of biopolymers is experimentally studied …
the over-riding of displacing fluid. The densification of biopolymers is experimentally studied …
Experimental study on in situ remediation of Cr (VI) contaminated groundwater by sulfidated micron zero valent iron stabilized with xanthan gum
P Han, J **e, X Qin, X Yang, Y Zhao - Science of The Total Environment, 2022 - Elsevier
Micron zero valent iron (mZVI) was an underground remediation material, which had great
application potential to replace nano zero valent iron (nZVI) from the perspective of …
application potential to replace nano zero valent iron (nZVI) from the perspective of …
Ultra-efficient removal of chromium from aqueous medium by biogenic iron based nanoparticles
Z **ao, H Zhang, Y Xu, M Yuan, X **g, J Huang… - Separation and …, 2017 - Elsevier
Iron based nanoparticles were synthesized through an eco-friendly one-step reaction of
FeCl 3 and Syzygium jambos (L.) Alston leaf extract in water. The morphology and structure …
FeCl 3 and Syzygium jambos (L.) Alston leaf extract in water. The morphology and structure …
Monitoring the injection of microscale zerovalent iron particles for groundwater remediation by means of complex electrical conductivity imaging
The injection of microscale zerovalent iron (mZVI) particles for groundwater remediation has
received much interest in recent years. However, to date, monitoring of mZVI particle …
received much interest in recent years. However, to date, monitoring of mZVI particle …
Field study of chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbon degradation in contaminated groundwater via micron zero-valent iron coupled with biostimulation
N Wu, W Zhang, W Wei, S Yang, H Wang, Z Sun… - Chemical Engineering …, 2020 - Elsevier
Chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons (CAHs) pollution poses a severe threat to human health
and is persistent in groundwater. Although chemical reduction via bioremediation is …
and is persistent in groundwater. Although chemical reduction via bioremediation is …
Transport and retention of xanthan gum-stabilized microscale zero-valent iron particles in saturated porous media
Microscale zero valent iron (mZVI) is a promising material for in-situ contaminated
groundwater remediation. However, its usefulness has been usually inhibited by mZVI …
groundwater remediation. However, its usefulness has been usually inhibited by mZVI …