Digital behaviour change interventions to break and form habits
Digital behaviour change interventions, particularly those using pervasive computing
technology, hold great promise in supporting users to change their behaviour. However …
technology, hold great promise in supporting users to change their behaviour. However …
Sustainably unpersuaded: how persuasion narrows our vision of sustainability
In this paper we provide a critical analysis of persuasive sustainability research from 2009-
2011. Drawing on critical sociological theory of modernism, we argue that persuasion is …
2011. Drawing on critical sociological theory of modernism, we argue that persuasion is …
[PDF][PDF] Implications of social practice theory for sustainable design
L Kuijer - Delft University of Technology, 2014 -
This thesis is positioned within the discipline of design research. According to Nigel Cross,
one of its pioneers, design research 'includes the study of how designers work and think, the …
one of its pioneers, design research 'includes the study of how designers work and think, the …
Designing beyond habit: opening space for improved recycling and food waste behaviors through processes of persuasion, social influence and aversive affect
Disposing of waste is a common part of our everyday life, yet we do not pay much attention
to the process. For many it can be considered a habitual, unconscious process. Disposed …
to the process. For many it can be considered a habitual, unconscious process. Disposed …
Counterproductive effects of gamification: An analysis on the example of the gamified task manager Habitica
S Diefenbach, A Müssig - International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 2019 - Elsevier
The concept of gamification has evoked increasing attention in HCI research and practice.
Gamification uses game elements in serious, non-game contexts in order to motivate a …
Gamification uses game elements in serious, non-game contexts in order to motivate a …
Towards happiness: Possibility-driven design
This chapter suggests possibility-driven design as an alternative to the common problem-
driven approach. A first part explores the concept of" possibilities" and how it relates to …
driven approach. A first part explores the concept of" possibilities" and how it relates to …
Practices as a unit of design: An exploration of theoretical guidelines in a study on bathing
The sustainability challenges facing society today require approaches that look beyond
single product-user interactions. Focusing on socially shared practices—eg cooking …
single product-user interactions. Focusing on socially shared practices—eg cooking …
The design and evaluation of prototype eco-feedback displays for fixture-level water usage data
Few means currently exist for home occupants to learn about their water consumption: eg,
where water use occurs, whether such use is excessive and what steps can be taken to …
where water use occurs, whether such use is excessive and what steps can be taken to …
A survey of empirical studies on persuasive technologies to promote sustainable living
Persuasive technology is the application of technology to change human behavior or
attitude or both. As applied to sustainable Human Computer Interaction (HCI), it has been …
attitude or both. As applied to sustainable Human Computer Interaction (HCI), it has been …
Wattsup? Motivating reductions in domestic energy consumption using social networks
This paper reports on the design, deployment and evaluation of" Wattsup", an innovative
application which displays live autonomously logged data from the Wattson energy monitor …
application which displays live autonomously logged data from the Wattson energy monitor …