A comprehensive survey of evolutionary algorithms and metaheuristics in brain EEG-based applications

M Arif, FU Rehman, L Sekanina… - Journal of Neural …, 2024 - iopscience.iop.org
Electroencephalography (EEG) has emerged as a primary non-invasive and mobile
modality for understanding the complex workings of the human brain, providing invaluable …

An automated breast cancer detection by heuristic-based ensemble deep classifier using mammogram and tomosynthesis images

M Kumar, DE Chaitanya, L Ganesh… - … : Applications, Basis and …, 2024 - World Scientific
Nowadays, breast cancer is the most founded cancer among women. Moreover, 2.3 million
new cases of breast cancer have been detected among women since 2020 as reported by …

Collation of performance parameters on various machine learning algorithms for breast cancer discernment

M Kumar, SK Khatri… - International Journal of …, 2024 - inderscienceonline.com
In clinical practices, machine learning (ML) technology plays an important and rapid growing
role as it is likely to help healthcare professionals making decisions and proposing new …

Развој Предиктивног Модела за Дијагностику Вирусних Респираторних Инфекција у Педијатрији

Д Добријевић - 2024 - search.proquest.com
Увод: Акутне респираторне инфекције су најчешће инфекције у педијатријском узрасту
и чине чак 50% узрока свих хоспитализација деце старости до 5 година. Респираторни …