A survey on artificial intelligence trends in spacecraft guidance dynamics and control

D Izzo, M Märtens, B Pan - Astrodynamics, 2019 - Springer
The rapid developments of artificial intelligence in the last decade are influencing aerospace
engineering to a great extent and research in this context is proliferating. We share our …

Deep networks as approximators of optimal low-thrust and multi-impulse cost in multitarget missions

H Li, S Chen, D Izzo, H Baoyin - Acta Astronautica, 2020 - Elsevier
In the design of multitarget interplanetary missions, there are always many options available,
making it often impractical to optimize in detail each transfer trajectory in a preliminary …

Machine learning and evolutionary techniques in interplanetary trajectory design

D Izzo, CI Sprague, DV Tailor - … in Space Engineering: State of the Art and …, 2019 - Springer
After providing a brief historical overview on the synergies between artificial intelligence
research, in the areas of evolutionary computations and machine learning, and the optimal …

Design of multiple space debris removal missions using machine learning

G Viavattene, E Devereux, D Snelling, N Payne… - Acta Astronautica, 2022 - Elsevier
Active debris removal (ADR) allows for the disposal of inactive satellites and larger objects,
preventing the build-up of space junk and allowing to replace aging agents in a …

Solar-sail trajectory design for multiple near-Earth asteroid exploration based on deep neural networks

Y Song, S Gong - Aerospace Science and Technology, 2019 - Elsevier
In the preliminary trajectory design of the multi-target rendezvous problem, a model that can
quickly estimate the cost of the orbital transfer is essential. The estimation of the transfer time …

An on-line deep learning framework for low-thrust trajectory optimisation

R **e, AG Dempster - Aerospace Science and Technology, 2021 - Elsevier
In the preliminary interplanetary mission design stage, a fast low-thrust (LT) transfer cost
approximator will improve the mission design efficiency and enable us to design more …

Neural networks in time-optimal low-thrust interplanetary transfers

H Li, H Baoyin, F Topputo - Ieee Access, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this paper, neural networks are trained to learn the optimal time, the initial costates, and
the optimal control law of time-optimal low-thrust interplanetary trajectories. The aim is to …

Machine learning of optimal low-thrust transfers between near-earth objects

A Mereta, D Izzo, A Wittig - International Conference on Hybrid Artificial …, 2017 - Springer
During the initial phase of space trajectory planning and optimization, it is common to have
to solve large dimensional global optimization problems. In particular continuous low-thrust …

Artificial neural networks for multiple NEA rendezvous missions with continuous thrust

G Viavattene, M Ceriotti - Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 2022 - arc.aiaa.org
The interest for near-Earth asteroids for scientific studies and, in particular, for potentially
hazardous asteroids requires the space community to perform multiple-asteroid missions …

Asteroid flyby cycler trajectory design using deep neural networks

N Ozaki, K Yanagida, T Chikazawa… - Journal of Guidance …, 2022 - arc.aiaa.org
Asteroid exploration has been attracting more attention in recent years. Nevertheless, we
have just visited tens of asteroids, whereas we have discovered more than 1 million bodies …