Software language engineering in the large: towards composing and deriving languages

K Hölldobler, B Rumpe, A Wortmann - Computer Languages, Systems & …, 2018 - Elsevier
Suitable software languages are crucial to tackling the ever-increasing complexity of
software engineering processes and software products. They model, specify, and test …

We're Not Gonna Break It! Consistency-Preserving Operators for Efficient Product Line Configuration

JM Horcas, D Strüber, A Burdusel… - IEEE Transactions …, 2022 -
When configuring a software product line, finding a good trade-off between multiple
orthogonal quality concerns is a challenging multi-objective optimisation problem. State-of …

History-based model repair recommendations

M Ohrndorf, C Pietsch, U Kelter, L Grunske… - ACM Transactions on …, 2021 -
Models in Model-driven Engineering are primary development artifacts that are heavily
edited in all stages of software development and that can become temporarily inconsistent …

Sustaining and improving graduated graph consistency: A static analysis of graph transformations

J Kosiol, D Strüber, G Taentzer, S Zschaler - Science of Computer …, 2022 - Elsevier
Where graphs are used for modelling and specifying systems, consistency is an important
concern. To be a valid model of a system, the graph structure must satisfy a number of …

Automated extraction of grammar optimization rule configurations for metamodel-grammar co-evolution

W Zhang, R Hebig, D Strüber… - Proceedings of the 16th …, 2023 -
When a language evolves, meta-models and associated gram-mars need to be co-evolved
to stay mutually consistent. Previous work has supported the automated migration of a …

Multi-granular conflict and dependency analysis in software engineering based on graph transformation

L Lambers, D Strüber, G Taentzer, K Born… - Proceedings of the 40th …, 2018 -
Conflict and dependency analysis (CDA) of graph transformation has been shown to be a
versatile foundation for understanding interactions in many software engineering domains …

Automatic generation of atomic multiplicity-preserving search operators for search-based model engineering

A Burdusel, S Zschaler, S John - Software and Systems Modeling, 2021 - Springer
Recently, there has been increased interest in combining model-driven engineering and
search-based software engineering. Such approaches use meta-heuristic search guided by …

Searching for optimal models: Comparing two encoding approaches

S John, A Burdusel, R Bill, D Struber… - … Conference on Model …, 2019 -
Abstract Search-Based Software Engineering (SBSE) is about solving software development
problems by formulating them as optimization problems. In the last years, combining SBSE …

Ontology-driven evolution of software security

S Peldszus, J Bürger, T Kehrer, J Jürjens - Data & Knowledge Engineering, 2021 - Elsevier
Ontologies as a means to formally specify the knowledge of a domain of interest have made
their way into information and communication technology. Most often, such knowledge is …

Contrasting dedicated model transformation languages versus general purpose languages: a historical perspective on ATL versus Java based on complexity and size

S Höppner, T Kehrer, M Tichy - Software and Systems Modeling, 2022 - Springer
Abstract Model transformations are among the key concepts of model-driven engineering
(MDE), and dedicated model transformation languages (MTLs) emerged with the popularity …