Major stopover regions and migratory bottlenecks for Nearctic-Neotropical landbirds within the Neotropics: a review
NJ Bayly, KV Rosenberg, WE Easton… - Bird Conservation …, 2018 -
Nearly 300 species of landbirds, whose populations total billions, migrate between the
Neotropics and North America. Many migratory populations are in steep decline, and …
Neotropics and North America. Many migratory populations are in steep decline, and …
Influence of climate change on the abundance, distribution and phenology of woodland bird species in temperate regions
DI Leech, HQP Crick - Ibis, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
There is now overwhelming evidence that an increase in the concentration of greenhouse
gases in the Earth's atmosphere has caused global temperatures to increase by 0.6° C since …
gases in the Earth's atmosphere has caused global temperatures to increase by 0.6° C since …
Old-growth forests can accumulate carbon in soils
Old-growth forests have traditionally been considered negligible as carbon sinks because
carbon uptake has been thought to be balanced by respiration. We show that the top 20 …
carbon uptake has been thought to be balanced by respiration. We show that the top 20 …
Ranking lepidopteran use of native versus introduced plants
DW Tallamy, KJ Shropshire - Conservation Biology, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
In light of the wide‐scale replacement of native plants in North America with introduced,
invasive species and noninvasive ornamental plants that evolved elsewhere, we compared …
invasive species and noninvasive ornamental plants that evolved elsewhere, we compared …
Carry-Over Effects of Winter Climate on Spring Arrival Date and Reproductive Success in an Endangered Migratory Bird, Kirtland's Warbler (Setophaga kirtlandii)
Understanding how animals will adapt to climate change requires understanding how
climate variables influence their biology year round, and how events in different seasons …
climate variables influence their biology year round, and how events in different seasons …
Regional climate on the breeding grounds predicts variation in the natal origin of monarch butterflies overwintering in Mexico over 38 years
Addressing population declines of migratory insects requires linking populations across
different portions of the annual cycle and understanding the effects of variation in weather …
different portions of the annual cycle and understanding the effects of variation in weather …
Old‐growth forests buffer climate‐sensitive bird populations from warming
Aim Habitat loss and climate change constitute two of the greatest threats to biodiversity
worldwide, and theory predicts that these factors may act synergistically to affect population …
worldwide, and theory predicts that these factors may act synergistically to affect population …
Persistent impacts of West Nile virus on North American bird populations
TL George, RJ Harrigan, JA LaManna… - Proceedings of the …, 2015 -
Since its introduction to North America in 1999, West Nile virus (WNV) has had devastating
impacts on native host populations, but to date these impacts have been difficult to measure …
impacts on native host populations, but to date these impacts have been difficult to measure …
Climate and food synchronize regional forest bird abundances
J Jones, PJ Doran, RT Holmes - Ecology, 2003 - Wiley Online Library
Analysis of synchrony in population fluctuations can help to identify factors that regulate
populations and the scales at which these factors exert their influence. Using 15 years of …
populations and the scales at which these factors exert their influence. Using 15 years of …
Enigmatic declines in bird numbers in lowland forest of eastern Ecuador may be a consequence of climate change
Bird populations have declined in many parts of the world but most of those declines can be
attributed to effects of human activities (eg, habitat fragmentation); declines in areas …
attributed to effects of human activities (eg, habitat fragmentation); declines in areas …