A review on deformation-induced electromagnetic radiation detection: history and current status of the technique

SK Sharma, VS Chauhan, M Sinapius - Journal of Materials Science, 2021 - Springer
Abstract Development of the deformation monitoring techniques for the infrastructures so as
to avoid catastrophic failure and resulting economic/human loss has remained a key interest …

Experimental wavelet analysis of acoustic emission signal propagation in CFRP

C Barile, C Casavola, G Pappalettera… - Engineering Fracture …, 2019 - Elsevier
In this research work, the characteristics of acoustic wave propagation were studied for
different Carbon Fiber/Epoxy laminated composites (CFRP). Piezoelectric transducers were …

Correlations between acoustic and electromagnetic emissions and stress drop induced by burst-prone coal and rock fracture

Q Lou, D Song, X He, Z Li, L Qiu, M Wei, S He - Safety Science, 2019 - Elsevier
Rockburst is a global problem in underground mining industry, threatening mining safety.
Acoustic emission (AE) and electromagnetic emission (EME) are nondestructive and real …

Impact source localisation in aerospace composite structures

ME De Simone, F Ciampa, S Boccardi… - Smart Materials and …, 2017 - iopscience.iop.org
The most commonly encountered type of damage in aircraft composite structures is caused
by low-velocity impacts due to foreign objects such as hail stones, tool drops and bird …

Acoustic emission Bayesian source location: Onset time challenge

R Madarshahian, P Ziehl, JM Caicedo - Mechanical Systems and Signal …, 2019 - Elsevier
Robust identification of the most accurate observed input data among a pool of observations
is key in modeling and decision making. A statistically biased observed measurement …

AE monitoring of a concrete arch road tunnel: Damage evolution and localization

A Manuello, G Niccolini, A Carpinteri - Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2019 - Elsevier
A real-time investigation of damage evolution in two precast concrete arch elements of a
road tunnel was carried out by means of a multi-channel AE acquisition system with in-situ …

On the characterization and correlation of the rock failure-induced electromagnetic radiation and micro-vibration

X Tian, D Song, X He, M Khan, Z Li, L Qiu, X Liu - Engineering Geology, 2022 - Elsevier
A complete understanding of the rock fracture-induced electromagnetic radiation (EMR)
mechanism and the coupling relationship between EMR and micro-vibration (MV) is highly …

[HTML][HTML] A study on particle breakage behavior during pile penetration process using acoustic emission source location

W Mao, S Aoyama, I Towhata - Geoscience Frontiers, 2020 - Elsevier
Particle breakage is a common occurrence in granular systems when the external stress
exceeds the individual particle strength. A large number of experimental evidences …

Innovative mechanical characterization of CFRP by using acoustic emission technique

C Barile - Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2019 - Elsevier
Abstract Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic materials (CFRP) offer high specific mechanical
properties that make them extremely attractive for aeronautical and aerospace applications …

Power spectral entropy of acoustic emission signal as a new damage indicator to identify the operating regime of strain hardening cementitious composites

AK Das, CKY Leung - Cement and Concrete Composites, 2019 - Elsevier
For strain-hardening cementitious composites (SHCCs) the knowledge of operating regime
is important for maintenance planning and monitoring of the element. This paper presents a …