Machine learning-enabled iot security: Open issues and challenges under advanced persistent threats
Despite its technological benefits, the Internet of Things (IoT) has cyber weaknesses due to
vulnerabilities in the wireless medium. Machine Larning (ML)-based methods are widely …
vulnerabilities in the wireless medium. Machine Larning (ML)-based methods are widely …
The security of big data in fog-enabled IoT applications including blockchain: A survey
The proliferation of inter-connected devices in critical industries, such as healthcare and
power grid, is changing the perception of what constitutes critical infrastructure. The rising …
power grid, is changing the perception of what constitutes critical infrastructure. The rising …
A decentralized lightweight blockchain-based authentication mechanism for IoT systems
Abstract The Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging paradigm branded by heterogeneous
technologies composed of smart ubiquitous objects that are seamlessly connected to the …
technologies composed of smart ubiquitous objects that are seamlessly connected to the …
Architecture and security of SCADA systems: A review
Pipeline bursting, production lines shut down, frenzy traffic, trains confrontation, the nuclear
reactor shut down, disrupted electric supply, interrupted oxygen supply in ICU–these …
reactor shut down, disrupted electric supply, interrupted oxygen supply in ICU–these …
A review of fog computing and machine learning: concepts, applications, challenges, and open issues
Systems based on fog computing produce massive amounts of data; accordingly, an
increasing number of fog computing apps and services are emerging. In addition, machine …
increasing number of fog computing apps and services are emerging. In addition, machine …
Load balancing of energy cloud using wind driven and firefly algorithms in internet of everything
The smart applications dominating the planet in the present day and age, have innovatively
progressed to deploy Internet of Things (IoT) based systems and related infrastructures in all …
progressed to deploy Internet of Things (IoT) based systems and related infrastructures in all …
A survey on boosting IoT security and privacy through blockchain: Exploration, requirements, and open issues
The constant development of interrelated computing devices and the emergence of new
network technologies have caused a dramatic growth in the number of Internet of Things …
network technologies have caused a dramatic growth in the number of Internet of Things …
A new energy-aware tasks scheduling approach in fog computing using hybrid meta-heuristic algorithm
P Hosseinioun, M Kheirabadi, SRK Tabbakh… - Journal of Parallel and …, 2020 - Elsevier
In recent years, large computational problems have beensolved by the distributed
environment in which applications are executed in parallel. Also, lately, fog computing or …
environment in which applications are executed in parallel. Also, lately, fog computing or …
Scada systems with focus on continuous manufacturing and steel industry: A survey on architectures, standards, challenges and industry 5.0
Recent technological advances encompassed by the smart factory concept have
fundamentally changed industrial control systems in the way they are structured and how …
fundamentally changed industrial control systems in the way they are structured and how …
A systematic review of IoT communication strategies for an efficient smart environment
The massive increase in actuators, industrial devices, health care devices, and sensors, has
led to the implementation of the Internet of Things (IoT), fast and flexible information …
led to the implementation of the Internet of Things (IoT), fast and flexible information …