[HTML][HTML] Effect of leptin, pituitary transcription factor and luteinizing hormone receptor genes polymorphisms on reproductive traits and milk yield in Holstein cattle
MA Cañizares-Martínez… - Brazilian Archives of …, 2021 - SciELO Brasil
HIGHLIGHTS The CC genotype of the LEP gene decreases 28.71 days of the calving to
conception interval. The AA genotype of the Pit-1 gene decreases 41.36 days the age at first …
conception interval. The AA genotype of the Pit-1 gene decreases 41.36 days the age at first …
Associations of Leptin and Pituitary‐Specific Transcription Factor Genes' Polymorphisms with Reproduction and Production Traits in Dairy Buffalo
Contents This study aimed to detect the genetic variability in Leptin and Pit‐1 genes using
polymerase chain reaction–restriction fragment length polymorphism and DNA sequencing …
polymerase chain reaction–restriction fragment length polymorphism and DNA sequencing …
Genetic variation in hypothalamic-pituitary axis candidate genes and their effects on milk production traits in Iranian Holstein Cattle
M Sadeghi, M Mokhber, MM Shahrbabak - Russian Journal of Genetics, 2022 - Springer
This study investigated the polymorphism of hypothalamic-pituitary axis genes and their
effects on milk production traits. To this end, we used genomic information of 134 animals …
effects on milk production traits. To this end, we used genomic information of 134 animals …
Pit-1 Gene Polymorphisms in Anatolian Black, Holstein Friesian, Brown Swiss and Simmental Cattle Reared in Turkey
I Aytekin, M Fadhıl - Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2022 - dergipark.org.tr
The aim of this study is to determine the genetic variation of the Pit 1 gene and comparison
polymorphisms between four cattle breeds (Anatolian Black, Holstein Friesian, Brown Swiss …
polymorphisms between four cattle breeds (Anatolian Black, Holstein Friesian, Brown Swiss …
[PDF][PDF] Endangered Romanian cattle breeds-between traditional breeding and genetic conservation.
Abstract In Romania, the Grey steppe and Pinzgauer cattle are included in a genetic
program of conservation, due to their valuable genetic pool for increased resistance to …
program of conservation, due to their valuable genetic pool for increased resistance to …
Effect of polymorphisms in intron 1 of the swine POU1F1gene on growth and reproductive traits
L Getmantseva, A Kolosov, M Leonova… - Turkish Journal of …, 2017 - journals.tubitak.gov.tr
The most prospective and actual trend in farm animal breeding is studying gene
polymorphisms affecting the productive traits. The objective of this investigation was to study …
polymorphisms affecting the productive traits. The objective of this investigation was to study …
Genetic polymorphism of Pit-1 gene associated with milk production traits in Holstein cattle
A Trakovická, N Moravčíková, M Gábor… - Acta Agraria …, 2014 - journal.uni-mate.hu
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of Pit-1 gene polymorphism on long-life milk
production traits in the selected population of Holstein cattle. Biological material was …
production traits in the selected population of Holstein cattle. Biological material was …
Полиморфизм гена POU1F1 у коров красной степной породы
ЛВ Гетманцева, МА Леонова, АЮ Колосов… - Аграрный вестник …, 2014 - cyberleninka.ru
Развитие ДНК-технологий в рамках концепции ген-маркерной селекции позволяет
оценивать животных по аллельным вариантам генов, напрямую или косвенно …
оценивать животных по аллельным вариантам генов, напрямую или косвенно …
Semen characteristics and genoty** of pituitary-specific transcription factor gene in buffalo using PCR-RFLP
MH Hasanain, KGM Mahmoud… - Egyptian Journal of …, 2016 - ejvs.journals.ekb.eg
THIS STUDY aimed to evaluate the sperm characteristics in buffalo bulls and to screen the
genetic polymorphisms in PIT-1 gene as bases for selection of bulls with good breeding …
genetic polymorphisms in PIT-1 gene as bases for selection of bulls with good breeding …
Research concerning the polymorphic expression of Pit-1 and STAT5A genes in cattle
V COŞIER, V CROITORIU - Bulletin UASVM Animal Science …, 2012 - ojs-international.com
Recent advances in molecular genetic techniques led us to make possible the accession of
a large number of polymorphisms at DNA level in the international database. Some of them …
a large number of polymorphisms at DNA level in the international database. Some of them …