[HTML][HTML] Effect of leptin, pituitary transcription factor and luteinizing hormone receptor genes polymorphisms on reproductive traits and milk yield in Holstein cattle

MA Cañizares-Martínez… - Brazilian Archives of …, 2021 - SciELO Brasil
HIGHLIGHTS The CC genotype of the LEP gene decreases 28.71 days of the calving to
conception interval. The AA genotype of the Pit-1 gene decreases 41.36 days the age at first …

Associations of Leptin and Pituitary‐Specific Transcription Factor Genes' Polymorphisms with Reproduction and Production Traits in Dairy Buffalo

MAF Nasr, A Awad, IE El Araby - Reproduction in Domestic …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Contents This study aimed to detect the genetic variability in Leptin and Pit‐1 genes using
polymerase chain reaction–restriction fragment length polymorphism and DNA sequencing …

Genetic variation in hypothalamic-pituitary axis candidate genes and their effects on milk production traits in Iranian Holstein Cattle

M Sadeghi, M Mokhber, MM Shahrbabak - Russian Journal of Genetics, 2022 - Springer
This study investigated the polymorphism of hypothalamic-pituitary axis genes and their
effects on milk production traits. To this end, we used genomic information of 134 animals …

Pit-1 Gene Polymorphisms in Anatolian Black, Holstein Friesian, Brown Swiss and Simmental Cattle Reared in Turkey

I Aytekin, M Fadhıl - Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2022 - dergipark.org.tr
The aim of this study is to determine the genetic variation of the Pit 1 gene and comparison
polymorphisms between four cattle breeds (Anatolian Black, Holstein Friesian, Brown Swiss …

[PDF][PDF] Endangered Romanian cattle breeds-between traditional breeding and genetic conservation.

Abstract In Romania, the Grey steppe and Pinzgauer cattle are included in a genetic
program of conservation, due to their valuable genetic pool for increased resistance to …

Effect of polymorphisms in intron 1 of the swine POU1F1gene on growth and reproductive traits

L Getmantseva, A Kolosov, M Leonova… - Turkish Journal of …, 2017 - journals.tubitak.gov.tr
The most prospective and actual trend in farm animal breeding is studying gene
polymorphisms affecting the productive traits. The objective of this investigation was to study …

Genetic polymorphism of Pit-1 gene associated with milk production traits in Holstein cattle

A Trakovická, N Moravčíková, M Gábor… - Acta Agraria …, 2014 - journal.uni-mate.hu
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of Pit-1 gene polymorphism on long-life milk
production traits in the selected population of Holstein cattle. Biological material was …

Полиморфизм гена POU1F1 у коров красной степной породы

ЛВ Гетманцева, МА Леонова, АЮ Колосов… - Аграрный вестник …, 2014 - cyberleninka.ru
Развитие ДНК-технологий в рамках концепции ген-маркерной селекции позволяет
оценивать животных по аллельным вариантам генов, напрямую или косвенно …

Semen characteristics and genoty** of pituitary-specific transcription factor gene in buffalo using PCR-RFLP

MH Hasanain, KGM Mahmoud… - Egyptian Journal of …, 2016 - ejvs.journals.ekb.eg
THIS STUDY aimed to evaluate the sperm characteristics in buffalo bulls and to screen the
genetic polymorphisms in PIT-1 gene as bases for selection of bulls with good breeding …

Research concerning the polymorphic expression of Pit-1 and STAT5A genes in cattle

V COŞIER, V CROITORIU - Bulletin UASVM Animal Science …, 2012 - ojs-international.com
Recent advances in molecular genetic techniques led us to make possible the accession of
a large number of polymorphisms at DNA level in the international database. Some of them …