Restoring and attributing ancient texts using deep neural networks
Ancient history relies on disciplines such as epigraphy—the study of inscribed texts known
as inscriptions—for evidence of the thought, language, society and history of past …
as inscriptions—for evidence of the thought, language, society and history of past …
Text analysis using deep neural networks in digital humanities and information science
Combining computational technologies and humanities is an ongoing effort aimed at making
resources such as texts, images, audio, video, and other artifacts digitally available …
resources such as texts, images, audio, video, and other artifacts digitally available …
Application of AI in the Field of Documentary Heritage: A Review of the Literature
Y Lu - Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 2024 - sub.ifspress.hk
The advent of artificial intelligence has precipitated a transformation in the manner in which
documentary heritage is researched, safeguarded and utilized. This paper presents a …
documentary heritage is researched, safeguarded and utilized. This paper presents a …
PapyRow: a dataset of row images from ancient Greek papyri for writers identification
Papyrology is the discipline that studies texts written on ancient papyri. An important
problem faced by papyrologists and, in general by paleographers, is to identify the writers …
problem faced by papyrologists and, in general by paleographers, is to identify the writers …
Classifying the scripts of Aramaic incantation bowls
Aramaic incantation bowls are a magical object commonly used in Sasanian Mesopotamia
(the region that includes modern-day Iraq and Iran) between the 4th and 7th centuries CE …
(the region that includes modern-day Iraq and Iran) between the 4th and 7th centuries CE …
Mit Machine Learning auf der Suche nach Provenienzen–ein Use Case der Bildklassifikation an der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek
M Krickl, S Mayer, E Zangger - Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, 2022 - degruyter.com
Bibliotheken können in vielen Bereichen künstliche Intelligenz einsetzen. Machine Learning
bietet vielversprechende Einsatzmöglichkeiten, unter anderem in der Erschließung von …
bietet vielversprechende Einsatzmöglichkeiten, unter anderem in der Erschließung von …
An End-to-End deep learning system for writer identification in handwritten Arabic manuscripts
The extraction of paleographical features is an important task to study the identity of the text
in the Historical Manuscripts. One of the major features is the identification of the writer or …
in the Historical Manuscripts. One of the major features is the identification of the writer or …
A novel methodology for writer (hand) identification: establishing Rigas Feraios wrote two important Greek documents discovered in Romania
The main goal of the present work is to determine the hand that has written two newly
discovered documents in Romania. For giving the proper answer, the authors introduced the …
discovered documents in Romania. For giving the proper answer, the authors introduced the …
Writer Identification in Multiple Medieval Books: A Preliminary Study
One of the key areas of study in palaeography involves identifying the various scribes
collaborating on a medieval book. Although digital technologies have allowed significant …
collaborating on a medieval book. Although digital technologies have allowed significant …
[HTML][HTML] Authorship Attribution on Short Texts in the Slovenian Language
Featured Application The results of this study are applicable to systems combating
misinformation and hate speech online. For example, the authorship attribution technique …
misinformation and hate speech online. For example, the authorship attribution technique …