Bilateral strength deficit is not neural in origin; rather due to dynamometer mechanical configuration
During maximal contractions, the sum of forces exerted by homonymous muscles
unilaterally is typically higher than the sum of forces exerted by the same muscles bilaterally …
unilaterally is typically higher than the sum of forces exerted by the same muscles bilaterally …
Investigation of optimal afferent feedback modality for inducing neural plasticity with a self-paced brain-computer interface
Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) can be used to induce neural plasticity in the human
nervous system by pairing motor cortical activity with relevant afferent feedback, which can …
nervous system by pairing motor cortical activity with relevant afferent feedback, which can …
Effect of the phase of force production on corticomuscular coherence with agonist and antagonist muscles
During isometric contractions, the net joint torque stability is modulated with the force
production phases, ie, increasing (IFP), holding (HFP), and decreasing force (DFP) phases …
production phases, ie, increasing (IFP), holding (HFP), and decreasing force (DFP) phases …
Corticomuscular coherence and motor control adaptations after isometric maximal strength training
Strength training (ST) induces corticomuscular adaptations leading to enhanced strength.
ST alters the agonist and antagonist muscle activations, which changes the motor control, ie …
ST alters the agonist and antagonist muscle activations, which changes the motor control, ie …
Differential impact of visual feedback on plantar-and dorsi-flexion maximal torque output
The effect of visual feedback on enhancing isometric maximal voluntary contractions (MVC)
was evaluated. Twelve adults performed plantar-flexion and dorsi-flexion MVCs in 3 …
was evaluated. Twelve adults performed plantar-flexion and dorsi-flexion MVCs in 3 …
Ultrasonographic quantification of architectural response in tibialis anterior to neuromuscular electrical stimulation
While muscle contraction in voluntary efforts has been widely investigated, little is known
about contraction during neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES). The aim of this study …
about contraction during neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES). The aim of this study …
Contribution of Achilles tendon mechanical properties to torque steadiness in persons with transfemoral amputation
Background: How Achilles tendon mechanics and plantar flexion strength and torque
steadiness are altered in the intact leg of persons with trauma-related amputation is …
steadiness are altered in the intact leg of persons with trauma-related amputation is …
Correcting for heel lift reduces ankle joint operating range for the ankle plantar flexor strength curve
LZF Chiu, TE Daehlin, LMY Jean, ZA Fielding - Journal of Biomechanics, 2022 - Elsevier
The ankle plantar flexor muscles are stronger in ankle dorsiflexion than plantar flexion.
However, heel lift is commonly observed during ankle plantar flexor strength testing, a …
However, heel lift is commonly observed during ankle plantar flexor strength testing, a …
Ankle joint rotation and exerted moment during plantarflexion dependents on measuring-and fixation method
S Stafilidis, C Kopper-Zisser - Plos one, 2021 - journals.plos.org
We examined the effect of ankle joint fixation vs increased foot pressure (aiming to reduce
dynamometer-subject elasticity (DSE)) on the exerted moment during plantarflexion …
dynamometer-subject elasticity (DSE)) on the exerted moment during plantarflexion …
Does unilateral lower limb amputation influence ankle joint torque in the intact leg?
Objective To investigate ankle torque and steadiness in the intact leg of transtibial and
transfemoral unilateral amputees. Design Comparative study. Setting Medical rehabilitation …
transfemoral unilateral amputees. Design Comparative study. Setting Medical rehabilitation …