The isotope geochemistry of zinc and copper
Copper, a native metal found in ores, is the principal metal in bronze and brass. It is a
reddish metal with a density of 8920 kg m− 3. All of copper's compounds tend to be brightly …
reddish metal with a density of 8920 kg m− 3. All of copper's compounds tend to be brightly …
Iron isotope systematics
Iron Isotope Systematics | Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry | GeoScienceWorld
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A Cenozoic record of deep oceanic Zn isotopic composition in ferromanganese crusts
Water plays a critical role in erosion and sediment transport and this relationship is most
evident in the hyperarid Atacama Desert of Northern Chile, a region characterized by …
evident in the hyperarid Atacama Desert of Northern Chile, a region characterized by …
[PDF][PDF] Controls on trace metal authigenic enrichment in reducing sediments: insights from modern oxygen-deficient settings
Any effort to reconstruct Earth history using variations in authigenic enrichments of redox-
sensitive and biogeochemically important trace metals must rest on a fundamental …
sensitive and biogeochemically important trace metals must rest on a fundamental …
The influence of terrigenous particulate material dissolution on ocean chemistry and global element cycles
Land to ocean transfer of material largely controls the chemical composition of seawater and
the global element cycles. Overall this transfer is dominated by the riverine transport of …
the global element cycles. Overall this transfer is dominated by the riverine transport of …
Biological uptake and reversible scavenging of zinc in the global ocean
Zinc (Zn) is a key micronutrient for marine phytoplankton, with a global distribution that is
similar to silicic acid. The processes that govern this relationship, despite the very different …
similar to silicic acid. The processes that govern this relationship, despite the very different …
The cycling of iron, zinc and cadmium in the North East Pacific Ocean–Insights from stable isotopes
Dissolved stable isotope ratios of the transition metals provide useful information, both for
understanding the cycling of these bioactive trace elements through the oceans, and tracing …
understanding the cycling of these bioactive trace elements through the oceans, and tracing …
GEOTRACES: Accelerating research on the marine biogeochemical cycles of trace elements and their isotopes
The biogeochemical cycles of trace elements and their isotopes (TEIs) constitute an active
area of oceanographic research due to their role as essential nutrients for marine organisms …
area of oceanographic research due to their role as essential nutrients for marine organisms …
The biogeochemical cycling of zinc and zinc isotopes in the North Atlantic Ocean
Zinc (Zn) is a marine micronutrient, with an overall oceanic distribution mirroring the major
macronutrients, especially silicate. Seawater Zn isotope ratios (δ66Zn) are a relatively new …
macronutrients, especially silicate. Seawater Zn isotope ratios (δ66Zn) are a relatively new …
A global perspective on mercury cycling in the ocean
Mercury (Hg) is a ubiquitous metal in the ocean that undergoes in situ chemical
transformations in seawater and marine sediment. Most relevant to public health is the …
transformations in seawater and marine sediment. Most relevant to public health is the …