Composite instruction prefetching

G Chacon, E Garza, A Jimborean, A Ros… - 2022 IEEE 40th …, 2022 -
Prefetching is a pivotal mechanism for effectively masking latencies due to the
processor/memory performance gap. Instruction prefetchers prevent costly instruction fetch …

Enhancing Processor Performance using Bidirectional LSTM Memory Prefetching

R Gade, A Bornare, S Jog, A Joshi… - … on Innovation and …, 2024 -
Memory prefetching plays a vital role in enhancing processor performance, with modern
processors using various prefetching methods to manage data access patterns efficiently …

Prefetch-directed Scheme for Accelerating Memory Accesses of PCIe-based I/O Subsystem

W Wang, P Zhang - 2023 5th International Academic Exchange …, 2023 -
In modern high-performance CPUs, the Last Level Cache (LLC) is an important resource,
commonly shared by various cores. Technologies like Intel's Data Direct I/O (DDIO) are also …

LTP: A Lightweight On-Chip Temporary Prefetcher for Data-Dependent Memory Accesses

MJ Li, HW Zhou - … Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for …, 2024 - Springer
Data-dependent memory accesses (DDAs) patterns are prevalent in applications like
machine learning, graph analysis, and machine learning, and databases. DDAs consist of …

Hardware Prefetching Tuning Method Based on Program Phase Behavior

L Huang, L Yan, T Wu - Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, 2024 - World Scientific
Modern high-performance processor systems universally employ hardware prefetch engines
to address the “memory wall” issue. Nonetheless, prefetchers are typically activated with the …

Processor Memory System Design for Performance and Security

GA Chacon - 2023 -
The benefits of Moore's Law are waning and effects of Dennard Scaling are ending,
resulting in modern computing designs improving performance through new and creative …

Data Prefetcher Based on a Temporal Convolutional Network

M LARSSON - 2022 -
Cache memory serves a crucial role in alleviating the difference in speed between the
computer's processor and main memory, which has become a growing problem over the …

[PDF][PDF] Πρόβλεψη προτύπων πρόσβασης μνήμης με την χρήση μηχανικής μάθησης και όρασης υπολογιστών

ΑΓ Συμπέθερος - 2024 -
Περίληψη Τα σύγχρονα υπολογιστικά συστήματα, από τις προσωπικές συσκευές έως τα
ισχυρά κέντρα δεδομένων, έχουν σημειώσει αξιοσημείωτη πρόοδο στην επεξεργαστική τους …

[การอ้างอิง][C] Leveraging static dataflow in dynamically-compiled pipeline-parallel text-parsing programs using the Parabix framework

N Medforth - 2022 - Simon Fraser University