[HTML][HTML] CNN feature and classifier fusion on novel transformed image dataset for dysgraphia diagnosis in children
Dysgraphia is a neurological disorder that hinders the acquisition process of normal writing
skills in children, resulting in poor writing abilities. Poor or underdeveloped writing skills in …
skills in children, resulting in poor writing abilities. Poor or underdeveloped writing skills in …
[HTML][HTML] Tools and methods for diagnosing developmental dysgraphia in the digital age: a state of the art
J Danna, F Puyjarinet, C Jolly - Children, 2023 - mdpi.com
Handwriting is a complex perceptual motor task that requires years of training and practice
before complete mastery. Its acquisition is crucial, since handwriting is the basis, together …
before complete mastery. Its acquisition is crucial, since handwriting is the basis, together …
Automated systems for diagnosis of dysgraphia in children: a survey and novel framework
Learning disabilities, which primarily interfere with basic learning skills such as reading,
writing, and math, are known to affect around 10% of children in the world. The poor motor …
writing, and math, are known to affect around 10% of children in the world. The poor motor …
[HTML][HTML] Exploration and analysis of On-Surface and In-Air handwriting attributes to improve dysgraphia disorder diagnosis in children based on machine learning …
Dysgraphia is a type of learning disorder that affects children's writing skills. Poor writing
skills can obstruct students' academic growth if it is undiagnosed and untreated properly in …
skills can obstruct students' academic growth if it is undiagnosed and untreated properly in …
Advanced parametrization of graphomotor difficulties in school-aged children
School-aged children spend 31–60% of their time at school performing handwriting, which is
a complex perceptual-motor skill composed of a coordinated combination of fine …
a complex perceptual-motor skill composed of a coordinated combination of fine …
Machine learning methods for dysgraphia screening with online handwriting features
Dysgraphia, a major learning disorder that primarily interferes with writing skills can hinder
the academic track of children unless recognized in the early stage. The diversity in the …
the academic track of children unless recognized in the early stage. The diversity in the …
Developmental dysgraphia: A new approach to diagnosis
Writing is a complex skill. Issues in this process, which are usually associated with
developmental dysgraphia (DD), could consistently cause problems in everyday life, like for …
developmental dysgraphia (DD), could consistently cause problems in everyday life, like for …
Graphomotor and handwriting disabilities rating scale (GHDRS): Towards complex and objective assessment
Graphomotor and handwriting disabilities (GD and HD, respectively) could significantly
reduce children's quality of life. Effective remediation depends on proper diagnosis; …
reduce children's quality of life. Effective remediation depends on proper diagnosis; …
Dysgraphia detection using machine learning-based techniques: A survey
Dysgraphia is a handwriting disorder which affects the writing abilities of an individual.
Currently there is no cure for this disorder but even the diagnosis is difficult. This paper …
Currently there is no cure for this disorder but even the diagnosis is difficult. This paper …
Multimodal Ensemble with Conditional Feature Fusion for Dysgraphia Diagnosis in Children from Handwriting Samples
Developmental dysgraphia is a neurological disorder that hinders children's writing skills. In
recent years, researchers have increasingly explored machine learning methods to support …
recent years, researchers have increasingly explored machine learning methods to support …