Continuum theory for dense gas-solid flow: A state-of-the-art review
Gas-solid fluidization technology has been commercialized in many industrial applications
since its implementation in the fluid catalytic cracking process in the early 1940s, however …
since its implementation in the fluid catalytic cracking process in the early 1940s, however …
Machine learning to assist filtered two‐fluid model development for dense gas–particle flows
Abstract Machine learning (ML) is experiencing an immensely fascinating resurgence in a
wide variety of fields. However, applying such powerful ML to construct subgrid interphase …
wide variety of fields. However, applying such powerful ML to construct subgrid interphase …
Development and validation of an enhanced filtered drag model for simulating gas-solid fluidization of Geldart A particles in all flow regimes
Coarse-grid two-fluid simulation of gas-solid fluidized bed reactors based on the kinetic
theory of granular flow exhibits a significant dependence on drag models, especially for …
theory of granular flow exhibits a significant dependence on drag models, especially for …
Conventional and data‐driven modeling of filtered drag, heat transfer, and reaction rate in gas–particle flows
This study presents conventional and artificial neural network‐based data‐driven modeling
(DDM) methods to model simultaneously the filtered mesoscale drag, heat transfer and …
(DDM) methods to model simultaneously the filtered mesoscale drag, heat transfer and …
Energy-minimization multiscale based mesoscale modeling and applications in gas-fluidized catalytic reactors
Gas-solid fluidization is intrinsically dynamic and manifests mesoscale structures spanning a
wide range of length and timescales. When involved with reactions, more complex …
wide range of length and timescales. When involved with reactions, more complex …
Computer virtual experiment on fluidized beds using a coarse-grained discrete particle method—EMMS-DPM
L Lu, J Xu, W Ge, G Gao, Y Jiang, M Zhao, X Liu… - Chemical Engineering …, 2016 - Elsevier
Virtual process engineering (VPE) aims to redefine the roadmap for process scaling-up and
optimization, from stepwise experiments to high-performance computer simulations. This is a …
optimization, from stepwise experiments to high-performance computer simulations. This is a …
A material-property-dependent sub-grid drag model for coarse-grained simulation of 3D large-scale CFB risers
Develo**, verifying and validating sub-grid methods is of crucial significance for enabling
accurate coarse-grained two-fluid modeling of rapid gas-fluidized flows. However, very few …
accurate coarse-grained two-fluid modeling of rapid gas-fluidized flows. However, very few …
Influence of grid resolution, parcel size and drag models on bubbling fluidized bed simulation
In this paper, a bubbling fluidized bed is simulated with different numerical parameters, such
as grid resolution and parcel size. We examined also the effect of using two homogeneous …
as grid resolution and parcel size. We examined also the effect of using two homogeneous …
Carbon dioxide-steam reforming gasification of carbonized biomass pellet for high syngas yield and TAR reduction through CFD modeling
Experimental and numerical evaluation of steam and carbon dioxide gasification on torrefied
palm kernel shell in an updraft fixed bed gasifier is studied. Euler-Lagrangian two …
palm kernel shell in an updraft fixed bed gasifier is studied. Euler-Lagrangian two …
Long-time simulation of catalytic MTO reaction in a fluidized bed reactor with a coarse-grained discrete particle method—EMMS-DPM
Long-time behaviors widely exist in gas–solid reactors, eg, the coke deposition and catalyst
deactivation in the methanol to olefins (MTO) process. Due to the limitation of the …
deactivation in the methanol to olefins (MTO) process. Due to the limitation of the …