Telaahan daya dukung dan daya tampung lingkungan dalam pengelolaan kawasan daerah aliran sungai di Indonesia
DAS merupakan kawasan yang khas dan mempunyai fungsi yang sangat penting dalam
hidrologi. Sekarang ini kawasan DAS di Indonesia telah mengalami kerusakan. Kerusakan …
hidrologi. Sekarang ini kawasan DAS di Indonesia telah mengalami kerusakan. Kerusakan …
Identifikasi penggunaan lahan dan analisis kesesuaian pola ruang menggunakan citra landsat 8 oli tahun 2020
DR Rahman, A Sandrawati… - Jurnal Ilmu Tanah Dan …, 2022 - journal.ipb.ac.id
ABSTRAK Sub-DAS Cikeruh, Citarik, dan Cirasea merupakan salah satu bagian DAS
Citarum yang masuk ke dalam 15 DAS prioritas pemulihan lahan kritis. Salah satu …
Citarum yang masuk ke dalam 15 DAS prioritas pemulihan lahan kritis. Salah satu …
Analysis of water pollution using the STORET method in the Upper Citarum Watershed
ASU Mudjiardjo, SS Moersidik… - IOP Conference Series …, 2021 - iopscience.iop.org
River water pollution in the Upper Citarum Watershed is increasingly being reported,
research shows that the quality of river water has decreased drastically where along the 127 …
research shows that the quality of river water has decreased drastically where along the 127 …
Estimasi Volume Limpasan dan Debit Puncak Sub DAS Cikeruh Menggunakan Metode SCS-CN (Soil Conservation Service-Curve Number)
Pertambahan jumlah penduduk dan pembangunan yang terus meningkat menjadi
permasalahan yang serius, terutama di wilayah perkotaan yang menjadi pusat …
permasalahan yang serius, terutama di wilayah perkotaan yang menjadi pusat …
Analisis ketersediaan dan kebutuhan air berdasarkan neraca air di Sub DAS Cikeruh Jawa Barat
C Agnesia, E Suryadi, SDN Perwitasari - Jurnal Agritechno, 2021 - agritech.unhas.ac.id
The increasing of the population along with changes in land use in the Cikeruh sub-
watershed will affect the availability and the demand water as well as the level of water …
watershed will affect the availability and the demand water as well as the level of water …
The critical land in Komering watershed as a result of land use changes from 2000-2016 period
E Kusratmoko, ST Dayanti - IOP Conference Series: Earth and …, 2017 - iopscience.iop.org
Land use changes in a watershed could affect the ecological system, hydrological system
and water quality, meanwhile land use changes study is needed to conduct especially in …
and water quality, meanwhile land use changes study is needed to conduct especially in …
Economic valuation of critical land
The purposes of this research are to analyze and to identify the factors influencing the
farmers' Willingness to Pay (WTP) in reducing the impact of the critical land. The research …
farmers' Willingness to Pay (WTP) in reducing the impact of the critical land. The research …
future development scenarios for adaptation to climate change in the Ci Kapundung upper water catchment area, Bandung Basin, Indonesia
Landscape change in the Ci Kapundung upper water catchment area over recent decades
has increased the volume of rainfall runoff, increasing the incidence of flooding in the …
has increased the volume of rainfall runoff, increasing the incidence of flooding in the …
Effect of Forest Encroachment in Cisangkuy Sub Watershed
D Sugandi, H Hamdanah - IOP Conference Series: Earth and …, 2019 - iopscience.iop.org
This research aims to identify encroacher characteristics, applied agricultural systems and
analyze factors that are considered by encroacher in determining agricultural systems in …
analyze factors that are considered by encroacher in determining agricultural systems in …
[PDF][PDF] Canopy Interception Assessment of Urban Park Greenery: A Case Study of Ganesha Park, Bandung, Indonesia
I Prayuni - Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture, 2024 - researchgate.net
Urban greenery provides enormous benefits that include flood regulation by intercepting
rainfall before it evaporates, thus contributing to reducing runoff. Hydrologic modelling is …
rainfall before it evaporates, thus contributing to reducing runoff. Hydrologic modelling is …