Application of unsupervised learning and deep learning for rock type prediction and petrophysical characterization using multi-scale data
This study integrates well log data, routine core analyses, microcomputed X-ray tomography
(μ CT) images, and sedimentary petrography to accurately characterize and evaluate the …
(μ CT) images, and sedimentary petrography to accurately characterize and evaluate the …
The lithosphere of South America from seismic tomography: Structure, evolution, and control on tectonics and magmatism
The thickness, temperature and mechanical strength of the lithosphere vary greatly across
South America and have controlled tectonic and magmatic processes during its evolution …
South America and have controlled tectonic and magmatic processes during its evolution …
Unraveling Precambrian cratonic roots beneath South America: A contribution from surface wave tomography
We examine some aspects of the tectonic evolution of Precambrian cratonic roots beneath
South America based on lithospheric distribution of shear-wave velocities. We derive our …
South America based on lithospheric distribution of shear-wave velocities. We derive our …
Lithospheric Architecture of the Paranapanema Block and Adjacent Nuclei Using Multiple‐Frequency P‐Wave Seismic Tomography
We present a new P‐wave seismic tomographic model for the region of the Paraná Basin
and surroundings using a multiple‐frequency approach, providing better resolution than …
and surroundings using a multiple‐frequency approach, providing better resolution than …
The crustal and upper-mantle structure beneath NW Iran: an integrated analysis of surface waves and gravity data
Understanding the crustal seismic characteristics of tectonically active regions is crucial for
seismic hazard assessment. The study conducted in NW Iran utilized surface wave …
seismic hazard assessment. The study conducted in NW Iran utilized surface wave …
Crustal and uppermost mantle azimuthal anisotropy beneath West and SE Brazil using ambient seismic noise
Seismic azimuthal anisotropy within the crust and upper mantle offers important information
of past and present tectonic deformation. We used ambient seismic noise to map azimuthal …
of past and present tectonic deformation. We used ambient seismic noise to map azimuthal …
Lithospheric structure of the Paraná, Chaco-Paraná, and Pantanal basins: Insights from ambient noise and earthquake-based surface wave tomography
To investigate the lithospheric seismic structure of southern South America beneath the
Paraná, Chaco-Paraná, and Pantanal basins, we measure two distinct sets of dispersion …
Paraná, Chaco-Paraná, and Pantanal basins, we measure two distinct sets of dispersion …
Extracting reliable empirical Green's functions using weighted cross-correlation functions of ambient seismic noise in west-central and southern Brazil
Ambient seismic noise is now routinely used to study the Earth's interior. For an isotropic
homogeneous medium, the basic assumption to extract seismic phases from a station pair is …
homogeneous medium, the basic assumption to extract seismic phases from a station pair is …
Rayleigh wave group velocity maps at periods of 10–150 s beneath South America
Based on new data from permanent and temporary networks, we present fundamental mode
Rayleigh wave group velocity maps at periods of 10–150 s related to the lithosphere …
Rayleigh wave group velocity maps at periods of 10–150 s related to the lithosphere …
Lithosphere of South American intracratonic basins: Electromagnetic and potential field data reveal cratons, terranes, and sutures
A magnetotelluric survey comprising 18 broadband stations disposed along a 450 km-long
profile was carried out at the transition between the Chaco-Paraná (CPB) and the Paraná …
profile was carried out at the transition between the Chaco-Paraná (CPB) and the Paraná …