[HTML][HTML] Develo** banking intelligence in emerging markets: Systematic review and agenda
The current banking industry is heavily dependent on technological artifacts supported by
intelligent systems for performance on operational and marketing parameters. However, the …
intelligent systems for performance on operational and marketing parameters. However, the …
The blockchain-based Halal traceability systems: a hype or reality?
Purpose Given the emerging nature of integrating blockchain into food traceability systems,
this study aims to investigate the intention to participate in a blockchain-based Halal …
this study aims to investigate the intention to participate in a blockchain-based Halal …
Pragmatic real-time logistics management with traffic IoT infrastructure: Big data predictive analytics of freight travel time for Logistics 4.0
When studying the vehicle routing problem, especially for on-time arrivals, the determination
of travel time plays a decisive role in the optimization of logistics companies. Traffic Internet …
of travel time plays a decisive role in the optimization of logistics companies. Traffic Internet …
Digital service flexibility: a conceptual framework and roadmap for digital business transformation
Due to the growing need to continually generate customer value, firms must be flexible to
address changing business environments and customer expectations. Although research …
address changing business environments and customer expectations. Although research …
In the realm of hungry ghosts: multi-level theory for supplier participation on digital platforms
Digital platforms have transformed various industries, with profound changes witnessed in
settings characterized by repeated, low value, and novel transactions, such as ride sharing …
settings characterized by repeated, low value, and novel transactions, such as ride sharing …
Blood and water: information technology investment and control in family-owned businesses
Family-owned businesses differ in their strategic intent and behavior as they serve as a
reservoir of wealth and social status for their family owners. Family-owned businesses …
reservoir of wealth and social status for their family owners. Family-owned businesses …
Multilevel synergy of information technology for operational integration: competition networks and operating performance
Firms' multilevel access to information plays a significant role in improving operating
performance. Increasingly, firms are enhancing their operational integration through …
performance. Increasingly, firms are enhancing their operational integration through …
How information technology overcomes deficiencies for innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises: closed innovation vs. open innovation
Innovation is vital for the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). However,
SMEs face deficiencies that hinder their innovation output. This study examines how …
SMEs face deficiencies that hinder their innovation output. This study examines how …
CEO Risk-Taking Incentives and IT Innovation: The Moderating Role of a CEO's IT-Related Human Capital.
Despite the importance of information technology (IT) innovation in today's digitalized world,
little research attention has been paid to examining how firms can incentivize IT innovation …
little research attention has been paid to examining how firms can incentivize IT innovation …
Missing impact of ratings on platform participation in India: a call for research in GREAT domains
In this study, we propose that research conducted in Western, educated, industrialized, rich,
and democratic (WEIRD) domains does not necessarily generalize to the rest of the world …
and democratic (WEIRD) domains does not necessarily generalize to the rest of the world …