Modulus of elasticity and compressive strength of tuff masonry: Results of a wide set of flat-jack tests

M Guadagnuolo, M Aurilio, A Basile, G Faella - Buildings, 2020 -
The assessment of the modulus of elasticity and compressive strength of masonry is a
fundamental step in the seismic analysis of existing structures. In this paper, the …

[HTML][HTML] Post-earthquake assessment and strengthening of a cultural-heritage residential masonry building after the 2020 Zagreb earthquake

N Ademović, M Toholj, D Radonić, F Casarin… - Buildings, 2022 -
After a long period of no excessive ground shaking in Croatia and the region of ex-
Yugoslavia, an earthquake that woke up the entire region was the one that shook Croatia on …

Mechanical characterisation of Tuscany masonry typologies by in situ tests

S Boschi, L Galano, A Vignoli - Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 2019 - Springer
The paper reports the results of 105 in situ tests performed on undamaged masonry panels
carried out by the authors during the last 20 years. The panels, mostly stone and brickwork …

[HTML][HTML] Determination of mortar strength in historical brick masonry using the penetrometer test and double punch test

D Łątka, P Matysek - Materials, 2020 -
This paper presents the results of the minor destructive testing of mortars in masonry
structures of four buildings erected at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The buildings …

Core testing method to assess nonlinear behavior of brick masonry under compression: A comparative experimental study

S Jafari, JG Rots, R Esposito - Construction and Building Materials, 2019 - Elsevier
This study investigates the applicability of the core testing method to assess the complete
nonlinear behavior of masonry in compression. A comparative experimental approach was …

Experimental evaluation of unreinforced brick masonry mechanical properties by the flat-jack method–an extensive campaign in Croatia

M Stepinac, L Lulić, D Damjanović… - International journal …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Several strong earthquakes hit Croatia in 2020. Such earthquakes, after a long absence of
strong seismic activities in the country, in combination with material degradation, lack of …

[HTML][HTML] Core testing method to assess nonlinear shear-sliding behaviour of brick-mortar interfaces: A comparative experimental study

S Jafari, JG Rots, R Esposito - Construction and Building Materials, 2020 - Elsevier
In this study, tests on cores and companion tests on triplets are compared with respect to the
evaluation of the nonlinear shear-sliding behaviour of masonry, including the determination …

Stability evaluation of room-and-pillar rock salt mines by using a flat jack technique-A case study

Y Majeed, N Abbas, MZ Emad - … of the Southern African Institute of …, 2023 -
Room-and-pillar mining is commonly employed for the extraction of rock salt in underground
mines. Pillar stress is a major concern in these mines as it is directly related to stability and …

Mechanical and typological characterization of traditional stone masonry walls in old urban centres: A case study in Viseu, Portugal

JC Domingues, TM Ferreira, R Vicente, J Negrão - Buildings, 2019 -
Essential for any intervention in existing buildings, a thorough knowledge of both structural
and material characteristics is even more important in the case of traditional stone masonry …

In-situ destructive testing of ancient strengthened masonry vaults

E Cescatti, F Da Porto, C Modena - International Journal of …, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
Develo** suitable tools to assess the actual structural performance and designing and
executing interventions to improve that performance is a key issue in the field of …