Extragradient method with variance reduction for stochastic variational inequalities
We propose an extragradient method with stepsizes bounded away from zero for stochastic
variational inequalities requiring only pseudomonotonicity. We provide convergence and …
variational inequalities requiring only pseudomonotonicity. We provide convergence and …
Accelerated schemes for a class of variational inequalities
We propose a novel stochastic method, namely the stochastic accelerated mirror-prox
(SAMP) method, for solving a class of monotone stochastic variational inequalities (SVI). The …
(SAMP) method, for solving a class of monotone stochastic variational inequalities (SVI). The …
[BOG][B] Uncertainty quantification in variational inequalities: theory, numerics, and applications
Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) is an emerging and extremely active research discipline
which aims to quantitatively treat any uncertainty in applied models. The primary objective of …
which aims to quantitatively treat any uncertainty in applied models. The primary objective of …
Stochastic variational inequalities: single-stage to multistage
Variational inequality modeling, analysis and computations are important for many
applications, but much of the subject has been developed in a deterministic setting with no …
applications, but much of the subject has been developed in a deterministic setting with no …
Variance-based extragradient methods with line search for stochastic variational inequalities
In this paper, we propose dynamic sampled stochastic approximated (DS-SA) extragradient
methods for stochastic variational inequalities (SVIs) that are robust with respect to an …
methods for stochastic variational inequalities (SVIs) that are robust with respect to an …
Discrete approximation of two-stage stochastic and distributionally robust linear complementarity problems
In this paper, we propose a discretization scheme for the two-stage stochastic linear
complementarity problem (LCP) where the underlying random data are continuously …
complementarity problem (LCP) where the underlying random data are continuously …
Convergence analysis of sample average approximation of two-stage stochastic generalized equations
A solution of two-stage stochastic generalized equations is a pair: a first stage solution which
is independent of realization of the random data and a second stage solution which is a …
is independent of realization of the random data and a second stage solution which is a …
Two-stage stochastic variational inequalities: an ERM-solution procedure
We propose a two-stage stochastic variational inequality model to deal with random
variables in variational inequalities, and formulate this model as a two-stage stochastic …
variables in variational inequalities, and formulate this model as a two-stage stochastic …
Two-stage non-cooperative games with risk-averse players
This paper formally introduces and studies a non-cooperative multi-agent game under
uncertainty. The well-known Nash equilibrium is employed as the solution concept of the …
uncertainty. The well-known Nash equilibrium is employed as the solution concept of the …
Incremental constraint projection methods for monotone stochastic variational inequalities
We consider stochastic variational inequalities (VIs) with monotone operators where the
feasible set is an intersection of a large number of convex sets. We propose a stochastic …
feasible set is an intersection of a large number of convex sets. We propose a stochastic …