An efficient density-based local outlier detection approach for scattered data

S Su, L **ao, L Ruan, F Gu, S Li, Z Wang, R Xu - IEEE Access, 2018 -
After the local outlier factor was first proposed, there is a large family of local outlier detection
approaches derived from it. Since the existing approaches only focus on the extent of overall …

Collect and analysis of agro-biodiversity data in a participative context: A business intelligence framework

S Bimonte, O Billaud, B Fontaine, T Martin, F Flouvat… - Ecological …, 2021 - Elsevier
Abstract In France and Europe, farmland represents a large fraction of land cover. The study
and assessment of biodiversity in farmland is therefore a major challenge. To monitor …

A Meta-learner approach to multistep-ahead time series prediction

F Bahrpeyma, VM Ngo, M Roantree… - International Journal of …, 2024 - Springer
The utilization of machine learning has become ubiquitous in addressing contemporary
challenges in data science. Moreover, there has been significant interest in democratizing …

Automating data mart construction from semi-structured data sources

M Scriney, S McCarthy, A McCarren… - The Computer …, 2019 -
The global food and agricultural industry has a total market value of USD 8 trillion in 2016,
and decision makers in the Agri sector require appropriate tools and up-to-date information …

N2DLOF: A new local density-based outlier detection approach for scattered data

S Su, L **ao, Z Zhang, F Gu, L Ruan… - 2017 IEEE 19th …, 2017 -
Since the Local Outlier Factor (LOF) was first proposed, there is a large family of approaches
that is derived from it. For the reason that the existing local outliers detection approaches …

Detecting feature interactions in agricultural trade data using a deep neural network

J O'Donoghue, M Roantree, A McCarren - International Conference on Big …, 2017 - Springer
Agri-analytics is an emerging sector which uses data mining to inform decision making in the
agricultural sector. Machine learning is used to accomplish data mining tasks such as …

Using artificial intelligence to automate meat cut identification from the semimembranosus muscle on beef boning lines

S Prakash, DP Berry, M Roantree… - Journal of Animal …, 2021 -
The identification of different meat cuts for labeling and quality control on production lines is
still largely a manual process. As a result, it is a labor-intensive exercise with the potential for …

Multi-resolution forecast aggregation for time series in agri datasets

F Bahrpeyma, M Roantree, A McCarren - 2017 -
A wide variety of phenomena are characterized by time dependent dynamics that can be
analyzed using time series methods. Various time series analysis techniques have been …

A method for automated transformation and validation of online datasets

S McCarthy, A McCarren… - 2019 IEEE 23rd …, 2019 -
While using online datasets for machine learning is commonplace today, the quality of these
datasets impacts on the performance of prediction algorithms. One method for improving the …

Detecting multi-relationship links in sparse datasets

D Nie, M Roantree - 2019 -
Application areas such as healthcare and insurance see many patients or clients with their
lifetime record spread across the databases of different providers. Record linkage is the task …