Myeloid-derived suppressor cells: an emerging target for anticancer immunotherapy
The clinical responses observed following treatment with immune checkpoint inhibitors
(ICIs) support immunotherapy as a potential anticancer treatment. However, a large …
(ICIs) support immunotherapy as a potential anticancer treatment. However, a large …
Single‐cell RNA sequencing technologies and applications: A brief overview
D Jovic, X Liang, H Zeng, L Lin, F Xu… - Clinical and …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Single‐cell RNA sequencing (scRNA‐seq) technology has become the state‐of‐the‐art
approach for unravelling the heterogeneity and complexity of RNA transcripts within …
approach for unravelling the heterogeneity and complexity of RNA transcripts within …
CellMarker 2.0: an updated database of manually curated cell markers in human/mouse and web tools based on scRNA-seq data
C Hu, T Li, Y Xu, X Zhang, F Li, J Bai… - Nucleic acids …, 2023 - academic.oup.com
Abstract CellMarker 2.0 (http://bio-bigdata. hrbmu. edu. cn/CellMarker or http://117.50.
127.228/CellMarker/) is an updated database that provides a manually curated collection of …
127.228/CellMarker/) is an updated database that provides a manually curated collection of …
The emerging landscape of spatial profiling technologies
Improved scale, multiplexing and resolution are establishing spatial nucleic acid and protein
profiling methods as a major pillar for cellular atlas building of complex samples, from …
profiling methods as a major pillar for cellular atlas building of complex samples, from …
Live-seq enables temporal transcriptomic recording of single cells
Single-cell transcriptomics (scRNA-seq) has greatly advanced our ability to characterize
cellular heterogeneity. However, scRNA-seq requires lysing cells, which impedes further …
cellular heterogeneity. However, scRNA-seq requires lysing cells, which impedes further …
Profiling cell identity and tissue architecture with single-cell and spatial transcriptomics
Single-cell transcriptomics has broadened our understanding of cellular diversity and gene
expression dynamics in healthy and diseased tissues. Recently, spatial transcriptomics has …
expression dynamics in healthy and diseased tissues. Recently, spatial transcriptomics has …
Comparison and evaluation of statistical error models for scRNA-seq
Background Heterogeneity in single-cell RNA-seq (scRNA-seq) data is driven by multiple
sources, including biological variation in cellular state as well as technical variation …
sources, including biological variation in cellular state as well as technical variation …
Applications of single-cell sequencing in cancer research: progress and perspectives
Y Lei, R Tang, J Xu, W Wang, B Zhang, J Liu… - Journal of hematology & …, 2021 - Springer
Single-cell sequencing, including genomics, transcriptomics, epigenomics, proteomics and
metabolomics sequencing, is a powerful tool to decipher the cellular and molecular …
metabolomics sequencing, is a powerful tool to decipher the cellular and molecular …
Macrophage functional diversity in NAFLD—more than inflammation
Macrophages have diverse phenotypes and functions due to differences in their origin,
location and pathophysiological context. Although their main role in the liver has been …
location and pathophysiological context. Although their main role in the liver has been …
Alternative splicing and related RNA binding proteins in human health and disease
Y Tao, Q Zhang, H Wang, X Yang, H Mu - Signal transduction and …, 2024 - nature.com
Alternative splicing (AS) serves as a pivotal mechanism in transcriptional regulation,
engendering transcript diversity, and modifications in protein structure and functionality …
engendering transcript diversity, and modifications in protein structure and functionality …