Non-invasive (non-contact) measurements of human thermal physiology signals and thermal comfort/discomfort poses-a review
Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems have been adopted to create
comfortable, healthy and safe indoor environments. In the control loop, the technical feature …
comfortable, healthy and safe indoor environments. In the control loop, the technical feature …
Personal thermal comfort models based on physiological measurements–A design of experiments based review
Researchers have shown that the physiological-based personal comfort models (PCM) are
capable of addressing individual differences as well as transient thermal comfort. Given that …
capable of addressing individual differences as well as transient thermal comfort. Given that …
Artificial intelligence-enabled Internet of Things-based system for COVID-19 screening using aerial thermal imaging
Abstract Internet of Things (IoT) has recently brought an influential research and analysis
platform in a broad diversity of academic and industrial disciplines, particularly in healthcare …
platform in a broad diversity of academic and industrial disciplines, particularly in healthcare …
Non-intrusive interpretation of human thermal comfort through analysis of facial infrared thermography
Understanding occupants' thermal sensation and comfort is essential to defining the
operational settings for Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems in …
operational settings for Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems in …
Review of vision-based occupant information sensing systems for occupant-centric control
Abstract Vision-based (camera-based) systems, which can effectively sense occupant
information, have garnered attention as a core technology in the Fourth Industrial …
information, have garnered attention as a core technology in the Fourth Industrial …
Computer vision technology for monitoring of indoor and outdoor environments and HVAC equipment: a review
Artificial intelligence technologies such as computer vision (CV), machine learning, Internet
of Things (IoT), and robotics have advanced rapidly in recent years. The new technologies …
of Things (IoT), and robotics have advanced rapidly in recent years. The new technologies …
Facial skin temperature and its relationship with overall thermal sensation during winter in Changsha, China
X Tian, J Yu, W Liu - Indoor air, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Facial skin temperature has been applied to evaluate thermal comfort in a few studies, but
the related theoretical basis is not sufficient. We conducted a climate‐controlled experiment …
the related theoretical basis is not sufficient. We conducted a climate‐controlled experiment …
Smart desks to promote comfort, health, and productivity in offices: A vision for future workplaces
People spend most of their day in buildings, and a large portion of the energy in buildings is
used to control the indoor environment for creating acceptable conditions for occupants …
used to control the indoor environment for creating acceptable conditions for occupants …
The influencing factors and an error correction method of the use of infrared thermography in human facial skin temperature
X Tian, L Fang, W Liu - Building and Environment, 2023 - Elsevier
This study analyzed the influencing factors of the thermal infrared imager's measurement of
facial skin temperature based on infrared radiation theory, temperature measurement …
facial skin temperature based on infrared radiation theory, temperature measurement …
Action-based personalized dynamic thermal demand prediction with video cameras
M Xu, Y Han, Q Liu, L Zhao - Building and Environment, 2022 - Elsevier
Real-time and accurate prediction of indoor thermal demands is of great significance for
improving building energy control and human satisfaction. This study proposes a system for …
improving building energy control and human satisfaction. This study proposes a system for …