Rapid slip inversion using co-seismic displacement data derived from near-source strong motion records
MP **, RJ Wang - Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 2013 - en.dzkx.org
Near-source co-seismic displacement field of the 2008 Mw6. 9 Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku (Japan)
earthquake is estimated from digital strong-motion records after correction for their baseline …
earthquake is estimated from digital strong-motion records after correction for their baseline …
[PDF][PDF] 基于**震记录估算同震位移的研究进展及方法
彭小波, **小军, 刘启方 - 世界地震工程, 2011 - researchgate.net
通过对**震加速度记录估算同震位移技术自20 世纪40 年代以来国内外研究成果的总结,
系统地阐述了通过**断层加速度记录计算同震位移的相关理论, 方法的发展历程和成就 …
系统地阐述了通过**断层加速度记录计算同震位移的相关理论, 方法的发展历程和成就 …
[HTML][HTML] 用**场**震动记录快速估计同震位移并反演震源滑动分布
金明培, 汪荣江 - 地球物理学报, 2013 - html.rhhz.net
利用自动经验基线校**方法, 分析日本2008 年岩手-宫城内陆M w 6.9 地震震中周围密集**震动
观测台网资料, 快速解算出了同震位移场分布, 并据此反演了震源滑动模型. 经与GPS 结果比较 …
观测台网资料, 快速解算出了同震位移场分布, 并据此反演了震源滑动模型. 经与GPS 结果比较 …
Research on ground motion displacement and static displacement near the fault of Jiuzhaigou MS7.0 earthquake
Z Hong - Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 2018 - dsjyj.com.cn
Abstract AMS 7.0 earthquake occurred at Jiuzhaigou County of Aba Prefecture in Sichuan
Province at 21: 19 on August 8 in 2017 with the epicenter at (33.2, 103.8) which caused the …
Province at 21: 19 on August 8 in 2017 with the epicenter at (33.2, 103.8) which caused the …
Coseismic displacement estimate of the 2013 M S7.0 Lushan, China earthquake based on the simulation of near-fault displacement field
H Zhou - Earthquake Science, 2016 - Springer
Usually, GPS observation provides direct evidence to estimate coseismic displacement.
However, GPS stations are scattered, sparse and cannot provide a detailed distribution of …
However, GPS stations are scattered, sparse and cannot provide a detailed distribution of …
[HTML][HTML] 九寨沟 7.0 级地震地表地震动位移及静态位移的模拟研究
周红 - 地球物理学报, 2018 - html.rhhz.net
北京时间2017 年8 月8 日21 时19 分在四川省阿坝州九寨沟县(北纬33.2, 东经103.8) 发生7.0
级地震, 给九寨沟景区造成了滑坡坍塌等地质灾害. 本文利用Crust1. 0 资料和反演的震源破裂 …
级地震, 给九寨沟景区造成了滑坡坍塌等地质灾害. 本文利用Crust1. 0 资料和反演的震源破裂 …