Artificial intelligence as an enabler for innovation: A review and future research agenda
Innovation management has attracted considerable attention from management scholars in
all disciplines given the critical importance of innovation activities to all firms. While our …
all disciplines given the critical importance of innovation activities to all firms. While our …
[HTML][HTML] The market-based assets theory of brand competition
Abstract Kotler popularised the Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning (STP) theory of brand
competition. This theory still dominates marketing textbooks. In this article we show how the …
competition. This theory still dominates marketing textbooks. In this article we show how the …
The paradox of technology: Negativity bias in consumer adoption of innovative technologies
Innovative technologies often feature inherently conflicting properties. This poses a
challenge for marketers because negative properties not only weigh heavily on consumers' …
challenge for marketers because negative properties not only weigh heavily on consumers' …
[HTML][HTML] What fails and when? A process view of innovation failure
Research on innovation failure has proliferated lately but with little theoretical attention given
to the diversity of the concept. Using process theorizing, we present a model and …
to the diversity of the concept. Using process theorizing, we present a model and …
“choozing” the best spelling: Consumer response to unconventionally spelled brand names
An increasingly common strategy when naming new brands is to use an unconventional
spelling of an otherwise familiar word (eg,“Lyft” rather than “Lift”). However, little is known …
spelling of an otherwise familiar word (eg,“Lyft” rather than “Lift”). However, little is known …
Practices of brand extensions and how consumers respond to FMCG giants' greening attempts
We aim for a deeper understanding of how the theory of green brand extension is effectively
used in brand management practice. Therefore, we conducted three consecutive studies to …
used in brand management practice. Therefore, we conducted three consecutive studies to …
How to signal product variety on pack: an investigation of color and image cues
Line Extensions are among the most common form of product launch in packaged goods
markets. As part of this process, brand managers must decide the visual design of the new …
markets. As part of this process, brand managers must decide the visual design of the new …
Customer experience management (CXM) and new product success: an empirical investigation
Purpose Customer experience management (CXM) and Innovation are two important
capabilities on which businesses compete today. However, research to date has not …
capabilities on which businesses compete today. However, research to date has not …
Product innovation, diffusion and endogenous growth
We develop a model of Schumpeterian growth featuring a stochastic diffusion process
where the rate of commercial success of product innovations is endogenously determined …
where the rate of commercial success of product innovations is endogenously determined …
How loyalty extends across product categories
Abstract Fifty years ago, Gerald Goodhardt's analysis of audience duplication across
television programs led to the discovery of the Duplication of Viewing law. This law was then …
television programs led to the discovery of the Duplication of Viewing law. This law was then …