Bayes and the law
Although the use of statistics in legal proceedings has considerably grown in the last 40
years, primarily classical statistical methods rather than Bayesian methods have been used …
years, primarily classical statistical methods rather than Bayesian methods have been used …
[SÁCH][B] Fingerprints and other ridge skin impressions
C Champod, CJ Lennard, P Margot, M Stoilovic - 2004 - taylorfrancis.com
The field of fingerprinting for personal identification and criminal investigation is progressing
at a rapid rate. Numerous research projects are devoted to fingerprint detection techniques …
at a rapid rate. Numerous research projects are devoted to fingerprint detection techniques …
Criteria for comparing infrared spectra–A review of the forensic and analytical chemistry literature
The aim of this review is to summarize the forensic science and analytical chemistry
literature related to the comparison of infrared spectra. Most of the peer-reviewed papers …
literature related to the comparison of infrared spectra. Most of the peer-reviewed papers …
A guideline for the validation of likelihood ratio methods used for forensic evidence evaluation
This Guideline proposes a protocol for the validation of forensic evaluation methods at the
source level, using the Likelihood Ratio framework as defined within the Bayes' inference …
source level, using the Likelihood Ratio framework as defined within the Bayes' inference …
[SÁCH][B] Fundamentals of fingerprint analysis
HM Daluz - 2018 - taylorfrancis.com
Building on the success of the first Edition—the first pure textbook designed specifically for
students on the subject—Fundamentals of Fingerprint Analysis, Second Edition provides an …
students on the subject—Fundamentals of Fingerprint Analysis, Second Edition provides an …
[HTML][HTML] Score based procedures for the calculation of forensic likelihood ratios–scores should take account of both similarity and typicality
Score based procedures for the calculation of forensic likelihood ratios are popular across
different branches of forensic science. They have two stages, first a function or model which …
different branches of forensic science. They have two stages, first a function or model which …
A method for the statistical interpretation of friction ridge skin impression evidence: method development and validation
HJ Swofford, AJ Koertner, F Zemp… - Forensic science …, 2018 - Elsevier
The forensic fingerprint community has faced increasing amounts of criticism by scientific
and legal commentators, challenging the validity and reliability of fingerprint evidence due to …
and legal commentators, challenging the validity and reliability of fingerprint evidence due to …
Performance study of a score‐based likelihood ratio system for forensic fingermark comparison
In this article, the performance of a score‐based likelihood ratio (LR) system for comparisons
of fingerprints with fingermarks is studied. The system is based on an automated fingerprint …
of fingerprints with fingermarks is studied. The system is based on an automated fingerprint …
From specific-source feature-based to common-source score-based likelihood-ratio systems: ranking the stars
P Vergeer - Law, Probability and Risk, 2023 - academic.oup.com
This article studies expected performance and practical feasibility of the most commonly
used classes of source-level likelihood-ratio (LR) systems when applied to a trace …
used classes of source-level likelihood-ratio (LR) systems when applied to a trace …
Score-based likelihood ratios for linguistic text evidence with a bag-of-words model
S Ishihara - Forensic Science International, 2021 - Elsevier
The likelihood ratio paradigm for quantifying the strength of evidence has been researched
in many fields of forensic science. Within this paradigm, score-based approaches for …
in many fields of forensic science. Within this paradigm, score-based approaches for …