Silicon photonic platform for passive waveguide devices: materials, fabrication, and applications
Silicon photonics has attracted tremendous interest from academia and industry, as the
fabrication of the silicon family of photonic devices is mostly compatible with the …
fabrication of the silicon family of photonic devices is mostly compatible with the …
[HTML][HTML] Silicon integrated nanophotonic devices for on-chip multi-mode interconnects
Mode-division multiplexing (MDM) technology has drawn tremendous attention for its ability
to expand the link capacity within a single-wavelength carrier, paving the way for large-scale …
to expand the link capacity within a single-wavelength carrier, paving the way for large-scale …
Ultra‐broadband and ultra‐compact on‐chip silicon polarization beam splitter by using hetero‐anisotropic metamaterials
The polarization beam splitter (PBS) is an essential component in the polarization diversity
circuit to overcome the strong polarization dependence of silicon nanophotonic devices …
circuit to overcome the strong polarization dependence of silicon nanophotonic devices …
[HTML][HTML] Silicon nitride waveguide polarization rotator and polarization beam splitter for chip-scale atomic systems
The design, fabrication, and characterization of a silicon nitride waveguide polarization
rotator and polarization beam splitter that operate with a polarization extinction ratio (PER) …
rotator and polarization beam splitter that operate with a polarization extinction ratio (PER) …
Polarization beam splitter based on MMI coupler with SWG birefringence engineering on SOI
We demonstrate a novel polarization beam splitter (PBS) based on a subwavelength grating
(SWG) multimode interference (MMI) coupler for the silicon-on-insulator platform. The …
(SWG) multimode interference (MMI) coupler for the silicon-on-insulator platform. The …
Compact broadband polarization beam splitter based on multimode interference coupler with internal photonic crystal for the SOI platform
We experimentally demonstrate a compact broadband polarization beam splitter (PBS)
based on a multimode interference (MMI) coupler with internal photonic crystal (PC) for the …
based on a multimode interference (MMI) coupler with internal photonic crystal (PC) for the …
Meta‐Structured Silicon Nanophotonic Polarization Beam Splitter with an Optical Bandwidth of 415 nm
The polarization beam splitter (PBS) is a pivotal element in the polarization management of
free‐space optical instruments and systems. Photonic integrated circuits for sensing …
free‐space optical instruments and systems. Photonic integrated circuits for sensing …
Advanced passive silicon photonic devices with asymmetric waveguide structures
D Dai - Proceedings of the IEEE, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Various passive photonic integrated devices have been developed successfully with silicon-
on-insulator (SOI) nanowires in the past decade. It is well known that SOI-nanowire …
on-insulator (SOI) nanowires in the past decade. It is well known that SOI-nanowire …
Compact polarization beam splitter with a high extinction ratio over S+ C+ L band
In this paper, we experimentally demonstrate an ultra-broadband high-performance
polarization beam splitter (PBS) based on silicon-on-insulator (SOI) platform. The proposed …
polarization beam splitter (PBS) based on silicon-on-insulator (SOI) platform. The proposed …
Ultra-broadband and ultra-compact polarization beam splitter based on a tapered subwavelength-grating waveguide and slot waveguide
In this work, we propose an ultra-broadband and ultra-compact polarization beam splitter
(PBS) on a standard silicon-on-isolator platform. Assisted by a tapered subwavelength …
(PBS) on a standard silicon-on-isolator platform. Assisted by a tapered subwavelength …