Metal ion modeling using classical mechanics
Metal ions play significant roles in numerous fields including chemistry, geochemistry,
biochemistry, and materials science. With computational tools increasingly becoming …
biochemistry, and materials science. With computational tools increasingly becoming …
Hydration of lanthanoids (III) and actinoids (III): an experimental/theoretical saga
The latest experimental and theoretical studies on structural and dynamical properties of
lanthanoid (III) and actinoid (III) ions in water have been reviewed. In the last years, most of …
lanthanoid (III) and actinoid (III) ions in water have been reviewed. In the last years, most of …
Rational design of particle mesh Ewald compatible Lennard-Jones parameters for+ 2 metal cations in explicit solvent
Metal ions play significant roles in biological systems. Accurate molecular dynamics (MD)
simulations on these systems require a validated set of parameters. Although there are more …
simulations on these systems require a validated set of parameters. Although there are more …
Taking into account the ion-induced dipole interaction in the nonbonded model of ions
Metal ions exist in almost half of the proteins in the protein databank, and they serve as
structural, electron-transfer, and catalytic elements in the metabolic processes of organisms …
structural, electron-transfer, and catalytic elements in the metabolic processes of organisms …
Revised ionic radii of lanthanoid (III) ions in aqueous solution
A new set of ionic radii in aqueous solution has been derived for lanthanoid (III) cations
starting from a very accurate experimental determination of the ion–water distances …
starting from a very accurate experimental determination of the ion–water distances …
Hydrogen and Higher Shell Contributions in Zn2+, Ni2+, and Co2+ Aqueous Solutions: An X-ray Absorption Fine Structure and Molecular Dynamics Study
A detailed investigation of the hydration structure of Zn2+, Ni2+, and Co2+ in water solutions
has been carried out combining X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy and …
has been carried out combining X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy and …
Empirical force fields for biologically active divalent metal cations in water
We have presented a strategy for deriving ion− water van der Waals (vdW) parameters that
implicitly include the microscopic solvent molecular effects around the ion. The strategy can …
implicitly include the microscopic solvent molecular effects around the ion. The strategy can …
Determination of the electronic and structural configuration of coordination compounds by synchrotron-radiation techniques
In this review we provide an overview of the potential of synchrotron radiation techniques to
understand the structural and electronic properties of coordination compounds. Besides the …
understand the structural and electronic properties of coordination compounds. Besides the …
Molecular Simulation Analysis and X-ray Absorption Measurement of Ca2+, K+ and Cl- Ions in Solution
This paper presents recent advances in the use of molecular simulations and extended X-
ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy, which enable us to understand solvated …
ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy, which enable us to understand solvated …
Elusive Coordination of the Ag+ Ion in Aqueous Solution: Evidence for a Linear Structure
X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) has been employed to study the coordination of the
Ag+ ion in aqueous solution. The conjunction of extended X-ray absorption fine structure …
Ag+ ion in aqueous solution. The conjunction of extended X-ray absorption fine structure …