Life‐history trade‐offs and senescence in plants
DA Roach, EF Smith - Functional Ecology, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
An increasing number of studies have shown that senescence, the functional decline in traits
and increased risk of mortality with increasing age, occurs in organisms in wild populations …
and increased risk of mortality with increasing age, occurs in organisms in wild populations …
Quantifying and understanding reproductive allocation schedules in plants
A plant's reproductive allocation (RA) schedule describes the fraction of surplus energy
allocated to reproduction as it increases in size. While theorists use RA schedules as the …
allocated to reproduction as it increases in size. While theorists use RA schedules as the …
New Insights Into the Backbone Phylogeny and Character Evolution of Corydalis (Papaveraceae) Based on Plastome Data
X Xu, X Li, D Wang - Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022 - frontiersin.org
A robust backbone phylogeny is fundamental for develo** a stable classification and is
instructive for further research. However, it was still not available for Corydalis DC., a …
instructive for further research. However, it was still not available for Corydalis DC., a …
RNA editing events and expression profiles of mitochondrial protein-coding genes in the endemic and endangered medicinal plant, Corydalis saxicola
C Li, H Liu, M Qin, Y Tan, X Ou, X Chen… - Frontiers in Plant …, 2024 - frontiersin.org
Corydalis saxicola, an endangered medicinal plant endemic to karst habitats, is widely used
in Traditional Chinese Medicine to treat hepatitis, abdominal pain, bleeding hemorrhoids …
in Traditional Chinese Medicine to treat hepatitis, abdominal pain, bleeding hemorrhoids …
No evidence of senescence in a 300‐year‐old mountain herb
Understanding how vital rates and reproductive value change with age is fundamental to
demography, life history evolution and population genetics. The universality of organism …
demography, life history evolution and population genetics. The universality of organism …
Selection of a perennial grain for seed productivity across years: intermediate wheatgrass as a test species
DJ Cattani - Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 2016 - cdnsciencepub.com
Development of perennial grains is being promoted to aid in moving agriculture towards
sustainable production. How long does it take to identify perennial yielding ability …
sustainable production. How long does it take to identify perennial yielding ability …
How does a wetland plant respond to increasing temperature along a latitudinal gradient?
Global warming affects plant fitness through changes in functional traits and thereby
ecosystem function. Wetlands are declining worldwide, and hence, ecosystem functions …
ecosystem function. Wetlands are declining worldwide, and hence, ecosystem functions …
Effect of far-red light, temperature, and plant age on morphological changes and induction of flowering of a 'June-bearing'strawberry
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of supplementary far-red light
on floral induction in the strawberry (Fragaria× ananassa Duch.). The plants were grown in …
on floral induction in the strawberry (Fragaria× ananassa Duch.). The plants were grown in …
The effect of end of day far-red light on regulating flowering of short-day strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch. сv. Paros) in a long-day situation
The effects of manipulation of phytochrome state and plant age were tested on flowering
strawberry (Fragaria× ananassa Duch. cv. Paros) using end of day far red light (EOD-FR) …
strawberry (Fragaria× ananassa Duch. cv. Paros) using end of day far red light (EOD-FR) …
Potomacapnos apeleutheron gen. et sp. nov., a new Early Cretaceous angiosperm from the Potomac Group and its implications for the evolution of eudicot leaf …
• Premise of the study: Eudicots diverged early in the evolution of flowering plants and now
comprise more than 70% of angiosperm species. In spite of the importance of eudicots, our …
comprise more than 70% of angiosperm species. In spite of the importance of eudicots, our …