Overview of the CLPsych 2022 shared task: Capturing moments of change in longitudinal user posts

A Tsakalidis, J Chim, IM Bilal, A Zirikly… - Proceedings of the …, 2022‏ - aclanthology.org
We provide an overview of the CLPsych 2022 Shared Task, which focusses on the
automatic identification of 'Moments of Change'in lon-gitudinal posts by individuals on social …

Time-aware predictions of moments of change in longitudinal user posts on social media

A Hills, A Tsakalidis, M Liakata - … on Advanced Analytics and Learning on …, 2023‏ - Springer
Capturing changes in an individual's language is an important aspect of personalised
mental health monitoring. A key component is modelling the influence of time, as contextual …

Incorporating time perspectives into detection of suicidal ideation

Q Yang, J Zhou - 2023 IEEE Smart World Congress (SWC), 2023‏ - ieeexplore.ieee.org
As a vital risk to the public heath, suicide has been a hot topic for related research. Time
perspectives (TPs) have attracted increasing attention in recent years in that making use of …

[PDF][PDF] NLP-UNED at MentalRiskES 2023: Approximate Nearest Neighbors for Identifying Health Disorders.

H Fabregat, A Duque, L Araujo, J Martínez-Romo - IberLEF@ SEPLN, 2023‏ - ceur-ws.org
This paper describes our participation in the first edition of the MentalRiskES Workshop
(Early detection of mental disorders risk in Spanish) of IberLEF 2023 shared evaluation …

[PDF][PDF] Faulty Detection System Based on SPC and Machine Learning Techniques.

ME Benrabah, O Kadri, KN Mouss… - Revue d'Intelligence …, 2022‏ - researchgate.net
Accepted: 20 December 2022 Starting from a worrying observation, that companies have
difficulties controlling the anomalies of their manufacturing processes, in order to have a …

Joint learning of depression and anxiety severity directly from speech signals

E Quintana Aguasca - 2023‏ - upcommons.upc.edu
Advances in digital health and phenoty** technologies are crucial to ensureincreased
access to high-quality mental health support services and treatment. Speech is uniquely …