Understanding nanoparticle toxicity mechanisms to inform redesign strategies to reduce environmental impact
JT Buchman, NV Hudson-Smith… - Accounts of chemical …, 2019 - ACS Publications
Conspectus There has been a surge of consumer products that incorporate nanoparticles,
which are used to improve or impart new functionalities to the products based on their …
which are used to improve or impart new functionalities to the products based on their …
Importance of integrating mixoplankton into marine ecosystem policy and management—Examples from the Marine Strategy Framework Directive
Marine plankton capable of photosynthesis and predation (“mixoplankton”) comprise up to
50% of protist plankton and include many harmful species. However, marine environmental …
50% of protist plankton and include many harmful species. However, marine environmental …
Bacterial indicators are ubiquitous members of pelagic microbiome in anthropogenically impacted coastal ecosystem
Coastal zones are exposed to various anthropogenic impacts, such as different types of
wastewater pollution, eg, treated wastewater discharges, leakage from sewage systems …
wastewater pollution, eg, treated wastewater discharges, leakage from sewage systems …
Shifts in benthic bacterial communities associated with farming stages and a microbiological proxy for assessing sulfidic sediment conditions at fish farms
A Choi, TK Lee, H Cho, WC Lee, JH Hyun - Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2022 - Elsevier
To assess the aquaculture-induced sediment conditions associated with sulfur cycles, shifts
in bacterial communities across farming stages were investigated. The sulfate reduction rate …
in bacterial communities across farming stages were investigated. The sulfate reduction rate …
What is marine biodiversity? Towards common concepts and their implications for assessing biodiversity status
Biodiversity'is one of the most common keywords used in environmental sciences, spanning
from research to management, nature conservation, and consultancy. Despite this, our …
from research to management, nature conservation, and consultancy. Despite this, our …
Pelagic habitats in the Mediterranean Sea: A review of Good Environmental Status (GES) determination for plankton components and identification of gaps and priority …
At present there is no consistent approach for the definition of Good Environmental Status
(GES) and targets in the Mediterranean Sea, especially for Biodiversity Descriptors …
(GES) and targets in the Mediterranean Sea, especially for Biodiversity Descriptors …
Remote sensing ecological index (RSEI) affects microbial community diversity in ecosystems of different qualities
G Yang, Y Chen, Q Ren, Q Liu, M Ren, J Zheng… - Science of The Total …, 2024 - Elsevier
Soil microorganisms are key to ecological environment stability, but climate change and
human activities exacerbate ecological environment changes. Therefore, assessment of …
human activities exacerbate ecological environment changes. Therefore, assessment of …
Microbial enzymes in the Mediterranean Sea: Relationship with climate changes
In most of the aquatic ecosystems, microorganisms are major players in the biogeochemical
and nutrients cycles (Carbon Nitrogen, Phosphorus), through their enzymatic activities …
and nutrients cycles (Carbon Nitrogen, Phosphorus), through their enzymatic activities …
Water column microbial communities vary along salinity gradients in the Florida Coastal Everglades wetlands
Planktonic microbial communities mediate many vital biogeochemical processes in wetland
ecosystems, yet compared to other aquatic ecosystems, like oceans, lakes, rivers or …
ecosystems, yet compared to other aquatic ecosystems, like oceans, lakes, rivers or …
metaGOflow: a workflow for the analysis of marine Genomic Observatories shotgun metagenomics data
Abstract Background Genomic Observatories (GOs) are sites of long-term scientific study
that undertake regular assessments of the genomic biodiversity. The European Marine …
that undertake regular assessments of the genomic biodiversity. The European Marine …