[HTML][HTML] Optimal auxiliary functions method for a pendulum wrap** on two cylinders
In the present work, the nonlinear oscillations of a pendulum wrap** on two cylinders is
studied by means of a new analytical technique, namely the Optimal Auxiliary Functions …
studied by means of a new analytical technique, namely the Optimal Auxiliary Functions …
Parametric resonances for torsional vibration of excited rotating machineries with nonconstant velocity joints
The shaft system is a rotating machinery with many applications due to its high speed. The
angle between shafts may not be zero. So the shafts can be connected to each other …
angle between shafts may not be zero. So the shafts can be connected to each other …
[PDF][PDF] Collinear control of oscillation modes of spatial double pendulum with variable gain
A Smirnov, B Smolnikov - Cybernetics and Physics, 2021 - ipme.ru
This article is devoted to the study of controlled movements of a spatial double pendulum
with non-parallel cylindrical joints axes. The collinear control is used to swinging of the …
with non-parallel cylindrical joints axes. The collinear control is used to swinging of the …
[HTML][HTML] Experimental analysis of a cracked cardan shaft system under the influence of viscous hydrodynamic forces
Accurate prediction of the dynamic behavior of coupled shafts in a fluid medium is crucial to
accurately estimate equipment life and enable safe operation. However, this task is far from …
accurately estimate equipment life and enable safe operation. However, this task is far from …
[HTML][HTML] Representative experimental and computational analysis of the initial resonant frequency of largely deformed cantilevered beams
A de Macêdo Wahrhaftig, RMLR da Fonseca - International Journal of …, 2016 - Elsevier
This paper presents an investigation of the initial resonant vibration frequency of largely
deformed cantilevered beams. This study is important because the vibration of beams with …
deformed cantilevered beams. This study is important because the vibration of beams with …
Stability of a multi-body driveshaft system excited through U-joints
The disk-shaft system is a power transmission system with several industrial applications.
The shafts, depending on the mechanism application, can be connected by U-joints through …
The shafts, depending on the mechanism application, can be connected by U-joints through …
Modeling and simulation of bifurcation dynamics of a double spatial pendulum excited by a rotating obstacle
This work focuses on analyzing the dynamical behavior of a mechanical system consisting
of a double spatial pendulum in contact with a movable obstacle. The pendulum's ability to …
of a double spatial pendulum in contact with a movable obstacle. The pendulum's ability to …
Vibration and stability analysis of drivelines with self-excitation of non-constant velocity couplings
In this research, a drivetrain system consisting of three shafts coupled by two joints is
considered. This drivetrain system is able to transfer out-of-plane motion. To yield a more …
considered. This drivetrain system is able to transfer out-of-plane motion. To yield a more …
Oscillations of double mathematical pendulum with internal friction
AS Smirnov, BA Smolnikov - International Conference Modern Engineering …, 2022 - Springer
This paper investigates the oscillations of a double mathematical pendulum with identical
parameters of links and end loads under the action of internal friction in both of its rod …
parameters of links and end loads under the action of internal friction in both of its rod …
Loo** pendulum: theoretical and experimental studies
Q Wen, X Huang, Y Zhang, E Ong - European Journal of Physics, 2020 - iopscience.iop.org
This work focuses on exploring the phenomenon of loo** pendulum proposed
by'International Young Physicists' Tournament in 2019, specifically, the various types of …
by'International Young Physicists' Tournament in 2019, specifically, the various types of …