[CARTE][B] The handbook of translation and cognition
JW Schwieter, L Wei - 2020 - books.google.com
The Handbook of Translation and Cognition is a pioneering, state-of-the-art investigation of
cognitive approaches to translation and interpreting studies (TIS). Offers timely and cutting …
cognitive approaches to translation and interpreting studies (TIS). Offers timely and cutting …
[PDF][PDF] Changes of word class during translation: Insights from a combined analysis of corpus, keystroke logging and eye-tracking data
T Serbina - 2017 - library.oapen.org
Drawing upon the data collected in a translation experiment, this study combines product-
and process-based analyses of translations with a focus on word class shifts. The keystroke …
and process-based analyses of translations with a focus on word class shifts. The keystroke …
Nouns, verbs and other parts of speech in translation and interpreting: Evidence from English speeches made in the European Parliament and their German …
This study investigates the distributions of word classes in English speeches made in the
European Parliament and their German (written) translations and simultaneous …
European Parliament and their German (written) translations and simultaneous …
Acquisition of generic competencies through project simulation in translation studies
Motivated by the research in several international and interdisciplinary initiatives, for
example, P21 Partnership for 21 st Century Learning or the Collegiate Learning Assessment …
example, P21 Partnership for 21 st Century Learning or the Collegiate Learning Assessment …
[PDF][PDF] A Construction Grammar approach to the analysis of translation shifts: A corpus-based study
T Serbina - 2015 - publications.rwth-aachen.de
The globalized world has a growing need for high-quality translations to ensure successful
communication within multilingual and multicultural communities. For instance, the …
communication within multilingual and multicultural communities. For instance, the …
[CARTE][B] Development of a keystroke logged translation corpus
P TatianaSerbina - 2015 - library.oapen.org
This paper describes the development of a keystroke logged translation corpus containing
both translation product and process data. The initial data comes from a translation …
both translation product and process data. The initial data comes from a translation …
Animacy and agentivity of subject themes in English-German translation
A Heilmann, T Serbina, J Freiwald, S Neumann - Lingua, 2021 - Elsevier
This paper aims to analyze the translation of typical inanimate Subject Themes in the
popular scientific register from English to German. Taking into account contrastive …
popular scientific register from English to German. Taking into account contrastive …
Corpus‐based insights into cognition
P Rodríguez‐Inés - The handbook of translation and cognition, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
The corpus‐based approach to the study of language is an empirical approach that revolves
around the analysis of large quantities of text. This chapter covers the main types of corpora …
around the analysis of large quantities of text. This chapter covers the main types of corpora …
Мультилінгвальний корпус і його програмне забезпечення для дослідження європеїстики
А Корольова - 2023 - rep.knlu.edu.ua
У статті запропонована методика роботи із функціоналом комп'ютерних програм
AntConc, WordSmith, WordList, MonoConc Pro, CATMA й KORP, які можна …
AntConc, WordSmith, WordList, MonoConc Pro, CATMA й KORP, які можна …
Creation of a high-quality, register-diversified parallel (English-Spanish) corpus for linguistic and computational investigations
This paper outlines current work on the construction of a high-quality, richly-annotated and
register-diversified parallel corpus for the English-Spanish language pair, as currently …
register-diversified parallel corpus for the English-Spanish language pair, as currently …