Variation in mate choice and mating preferences: a review of causes and consequences
The aim of this review is to consider variation in mating preferences among females. We
define mating preferences as the sensory and behavioural properties that influence the …
define mating preferences as the sensory and behavioural properties that influence the …
The use of multiple cues in mate choice
U Candolin - Biological reviews, 2003 - cambridge.org
An increasing number of studies find females to base their mate choice on several cues.
Why this occurs is debated and many different hypotheses have been proposed. Here I …
Why this occurs is debated and many different hypotheses have been proposed. Here I …
The evolution of mating preferences and the paradox of the lek
Why do females prefer elaborate male mating displays in species where they receive little
more from males than their sperm? Here we review three hypotheses for the evolution of …
more from males than their sperm? Here we review three hypotheses for the evolution of …
Reproductive strategies of Atlantic salmon: ecology and evolution
IA Fleming - Reviews in fish biology and fisheries, 1996 - Springer
Abstract Atlantic salmon (Salmo solar, Salmonidae) show a diversity of life history,
behavioural and morphological adaptations for reproduction which have evolved as an …
behavioural and morphological adaptations for reproduction which have evolved as an …
The evolution of vocalization in frogs and toads
HC Gerhardt - Annual review of ecology and systematics, 1994 - JSTOR
The most commonly heard vocalizations of frogs are advertisement calls, which attract
gravid females and mediate aggressive interactions between males. Frog vocalizations are …
gravid females and mediate aggressive interactions between males. Frog vocalizations are …
[KNJIGA][B] Sexual selection and the barn swallow
AP Møller, J Gregersen - 1994 - academic.oup.com
An important empirical test of the theoretical predictions of sexual selection theory, this book
presents a long-term field study of the monagamous barn swallow. By using information on …
presents a long-term field study of the monagamous barn swallow. By using information on …
Sexual selection, honest advertisement and the handicap principle: reviewing the evidence
RA Johnstone - Biological Reviews, 1995 - Wiley Online Library
SUMMARY (i) To find out whether a mating preference could have initially evolved for
adaptive reasons, one must determine whether the preferred trait could have provided …
adaptive reasons, one must determine whether the preferred trait could have provided …
Sexual selection and condition-dependent mate preferences
The last decade has witnessed considerable theoretical and empirical investigation of how
male sexual ornaments evolve. This strong male-biased perspective has resulted in the …
male sexual ornaments evolve. This strong male-biased perspective has resulted in the …
Unifying and testing models of sexual selection
Sexual reproduction is associated with the evolution of anisogamy and sperm-producing
males and egg-laying females. The ensuing competition for mates has led to sexual …
males and egg-laying females. The ensuing competition for mates has led to sexual …
Mate choice and sexual selection: what have we learned since Darwin?
Charles Darwin laid the foundation for all modern work on sexual selection in his seminal
book The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex. In this work, Darwin fleshed out …
book The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex. In this work, Darwin fleshed out …