Computing with nouns and verbs

V Raskin, JM Taylor - 2012 IEEE International Conference on …, 2012‏ -
The paper makes a case for expanding the range of words that Computing With Words
typically considers to, eventually, all the words in a natural language, thus accounting …

An entropy-based evaluation method for knowledge bases of medical information systems

CF Hempelmann, U Sakoglu, VP Gurupur… - Expert Systems with …, 2016‏ - Elsevier
In this paper we introduce a method to develop knowledge bases for medical decision
support systems, with a focus on evaluating such knowledge bases. Departing from earlier …

Ontological semantic technology for detecting insider threat and social engineering

V Raskin, JM Taylor, CF Hempelmann - Proceedings of the 2010 New …, 2010‏ -
This paper describes a computational system for detecting unintentional inferences in
casual unsolicited and unrestricted verbal output of individuals, potentially responsible for …

Understanding the unknown: Unattested input processing in natural language

JM Taylor, V Raskin - … conference on fuzzy systems (fuzz-ieee …, 2011‏ -
This paper describes the process of deriving the meaning of an unknown word within the
framework of meaning based natural language processing. It uses the clues supplied by the …

Ontological detection of phishing emails

G Park, J Rayz - … Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics …, 2018‏ -
Detection of phishing emails is a topic that received a lot of attention both from academia
and industry due to the devastating effects of phishing enabled data breaches have on …

Spam filtering by semantics-based text classification

W Hu, J Du, Y **ng - 2016 Eighth International Conference on …, 2016‏ -
Spam has been a serious and annoying problem for decades. Even though plenty of
solutions have been put forward, there still remains a lot to be promoted in filtering spam …

From disambiguation failures to common-sense knowledge acquisition: A day in the life of an Ontological Semantic System

JM Taylor, V Raskin… - 2011 IEEE/WIC/ACM …, 2011‏ -
The paper describes a semi-automatic method of identifying common-sense knowledge by
running an ontological semantic system and focusing on its failures to interpret sentences …

Comparing machine and human ability to detect phishing emails

G Park, LM Stuart, JM Taylor… - 2014 IEEE International …, 2014‏ -
This paper compares the results of computer and human efforts to determine whether an
email is legitimate or a phishing attempt. For this purpose, we have run two series of …

NL-based communication with firefighting robots

JH Hong, BC Min, JM Taylor, V Raskin… - … on Systems, Man …, 2012‏ -
Firefighters put themselves in harm's way while saving others and may even lose their lives
in certain situations, such as toxic fumes, extreme heat, or inhaling smoke. In order to protect …

Threat assessment using visual hierarchy and conceptual firearms ontology

AN Arslan, CF Hempelmann, S Attardo… - Optical …, 2015‏ -
The work that established and explored the links between visual hierarchy and conceptual
ontology of firearms for the purpose of threat assessment is continued. The previous study …