Toward a comprehensive and potentially cross-cultural model of why people engage in collective action: A quantitative research synthesis of four motivations and …
Sociopsychological theorizing and research on collective action (eg, social protests) has
mushroomed over the last decade, studying a wide variety of groups, contexts, and cultures …
mushroomed over the last decade, studying a wide variety of groups, contexts, and cultures …
The social and political implications of moral conviction
Scholars often assume that some issues globally evoke moral reactions, whether these
issues are presented as moral dilemmas (eg, trolley problems) or as controversial issues of …
issues are presented as moral dilemmas (eg, trolley problems) or as controversial issues of …
A dynamic model of engagement in normative and non-normative collective action: Psychological antecedents, consequences, and barriers
This review addresses three recent developments in the collective action literature. First, we
demonstrate that normative and non-normative collective action participation can be …
demonstrate that normative and non-normative collective action participation can be …
Moralization in social networks and the emergence of violence during protests
In recent years, protesters in the United States have clashed violently with police and
counter-protesters on numerous occasions,–. Despite widespread media attention, little …
counter-protesters on numerous occasions,–. Despite widespread media attention, little …
Dying for the group: Towards a general theory of extreme self-sacrifice
Whether upheld as heroic or reviled as terrorism, people have been willing to lay down their
lives for the sake of their groups throughout history. Why? Previous theories of extreme self …
lives for the sake of their groups throughout history. Why? Previous theories of extreme self …
Epistemic rationality: Skepticism toward unfounded beliefs requires sufficient cognitive ability and motivation to be rational
Why does belief in the paranormal, conspiracy theories, and various other phenomena that
are not backed up by evidence remain widespread in modern society? In the present …
are not backed up by evidence remain widespread in modern society? In the present …
[ספר][B] Morality and the regulation of social behavior: Groups as moral anchors
N Ellemers - 2017 - taylorfrancis.com
Morality indicates what is the 'right'and what is the 'wrong'way to behave. It is one of the most
popular areas of research in contemporary social psychology, driven in part by recent …
popular areas of research in contemporary social psychology, driven in part by recent …
MOBILISE: A higher‐order integration of collective action research to address global challenges
The past decade has witnessed rapid growth in popular protest, alongside an upsurge in
research on collective action. The proliferation of research has been both productive and …
research on collective action. The proliferation of research has been both productive and …
When will collective action be effective? Violent and non-violent protests differentially influence perceptions of legitimacy and efficacy among sympathizers
Collective action will be effective in achieving broader social change goals to the extent that
it influences public opinion yet the degree to which collective action “works” in changing …
it influences public opinion yet the degree to which collective action “works” in changing …
Political polarization and political violence
Is political violence and support for political violence more prevalent in democratic societies
with high levels of affective polarization? This study argues that affective partisan political …
with high levels of affective polarization? This study argues that affective partisan political …