The role of paleogeography in Asian monsoon evolution: a review and new insights from climate modelling
The Asian monsoons are triggered by complex interactions between the atmosphere, Asian
and African orography, and the surrounding oceans, resulting in highly seasonal climate …
and African orography, and the surrounding oceans, resulting in highly seasonal climate …
Orbital-and millennial-scale Asian winter monsoon variability across the Pliocene–Pleistocene glacial intensification
Intensification of northern hemisphere glaciation (iNHG),~ 2.7 million years ago (Ma), led to
establishment of the Pleistocene to present-day bipolar icehouse state. Here we document …
establishment of the Pleistocene to present-day bipolar icehouse state. Here we document …
Tectonic and orbital forcing of the South Asian monsoon in central Tibet during the late Oligocene
The modern pattern of the Asian monsoon is thought to have formed around the
Oligocene/Miocene transition and is generally attributed to Himalaya–Tibetan Plateau (H …
Oligocene/Miocene transition and is generally attributed to Himalaya–Tibetan Plateau (H …
CO2-forced Late Miocene cooling and ecosystem reorganizations in East Asia
In parallel with pronounced cooling in the oceans, vast areas of the continents experienced
enhanced aridification and restructuring of vegetation and animal communities during the …
enhanced aridification and restructuring of vegetation and animal communities during the …
Resolving conflicting models of late Miocene East Asian summer monsoon intensity recorded in Red Clay deposits on the Chinese Loess Plateau
Considerable debate exists regarding how the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) varied
over the late Miocene, limiting our ability to understand the long-term evolution and forcing …
over the late Miocene, limiting our ability to understand the long-term evolution and forcing …
Plio-Pleistocene drainage reorganization in the middle Yellow River of China, revealed by provenance and paleocurrent analysis of fluvial sediments
Continental-scale drainage reorganization is generally understood to result from landform
evolution forced by the coupling between tectonic activity and climate change, attracting …
evolution forced by the coupling between tectonic activity and climate change, attracting …
Obliquity and precession forcing of the amplitude of millennial-scale East Asian monsoon variability during the late Miocene
Asian monsoon systems influence billions of people and understanding past monsoon
variability and dynamics is instructive in predicting future trajectories. Recent studies have …
variability and dynamics is instructive in predicting future trajectories. Recent studies have …
[HTML][HTML] Micromorphology of Pliocene aeolian red clay in western Chinese Loess Plateau and its paleoenvironmental implication
X Mao, X Liu, J Zhao, L Wang - Quaternary Sciences, 2023 - dsjyj.com.cn
Aeolian accumulation in the Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP) including Quaternary loess and
Miocene-Pliocene red clay has documented the evolution of Eastern Asian Monsoon, history …
Miocene-Pliocene red clay has documented the evolution of Eastern Asian Monsoon, history …
Astronomical forcing of the hydrological cycle in the Weihe Basin (North China) during the middle to late Eocene
The middle to late Eocene marked a key transition from greenhouse to coolhouse. However,
a lack of high-resolution and temporally well-constrained continental records hinders our …
a lack of high-resolution and temporally well-constrained continental records hinders our …
[HTML][HTML] 黄土高原西部上新统风成红粘土的微形态特征及其古环境意义
毛学刚, 刘秀铭, 赵景波, 王练 - 第四纪研究, 2023 - dsjyj.com.cn
毛学刚, 刘秀铭, 赵景波, 王练. 黄土高原西部上新统风成红粘土的微形态特征及其古环境意义[J].
第四纪研究, 2023, 43 (5): 1172-1185. doi: 10.11928/j. issn. 1001-7410.2023. 05.02引用本文 …
第四纪研究, 2023, 43 (5): 1172-1185. doi: 10.11928/j. issn. 1001-7410.2023. 05.02引用本文 …